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Example sentences for "month after"

  • It is only those who have been to the front in France who can realize the life of the men there as it went on month after month--the misery of it, the dreariness of it, the lack of any thrill except that of fear.

  • Morris remained Minister in France nearly a month after Robespierre's death, but the word needed to open Paine's prison was not spoken.

  • The guard came about a month after in the night, and took away the landlord Georgeit; and the scene in the house finished with the arrestation of myself.

  • Longitudinal section through portions of the stomach, liver, and duodenum of an embryo about a month after hatching, to shew the relations of the pancreas (p) to the surrounding parts.

  • Transverse section through posterior part of the body of an embryo, about a month after hatching, shewing the structure of the mesonephros, the spiral valve, &c.

  • GRAY, AULD ROBIN, the title of a ballad by Lady Anne Lindsay, from the name of its hero, a good old man who married a young girl whose lover is thought to be dead, but who turns up to claim her a month after.

  • I said to him, about a month after, as we met on the road.

  • Month after month, and year after year, she watched with an anguish of spirit that paled her cheek, and stole away the brightness from her eye, the slow, but sure progress of the destroyer.

  • Gherkins, cucumbers, melons, and mangoes, are to be had by the middle of July, and for a month after.

  • In a month after it has been in the cask, add a pint of brandy, and two quarts of Rhenish wine.

  • Onions of various kinds for pickling, are in season by the middle of July, and for a month after.

  • Month after month of hard study--all forgotten now.

  • But I persevered with it, week after week, month after month.

  • And in like manner the Lord was pleased to supply me with means, month after month, so that when He was pleased to give me on Feb.

  • Month after month, for some time past, 2s.

  • Month after month, work was laid to my hands that pleased my taste, and occupied all the time I could devote to literary tasks.

  • Her great, warm heart took in the homesick stranger that I was, for many a month after transplantation, and gave me a corner of my very own.

  • The stately ships went in and out as of yore; and white sails hung off the bar for many an hour, day after day, month after month, year after year: but an instinct within told her that none of them were the sails she sought.

  • His name occurs once more, a year and a month after: "Rawly, a Winganditoian, April 1589.

  • A month after Waterloo, he was appointed 2nd Lieutenant in the Rifle Brigade, then the 95th Regiment.

  • Day after day, night after night, week after week, month after month, the unconquerable sons of Connaught fought to desperation to uphold the honour of our flag.

  • In less than a month after, I had the pleasure of meeting our gallant Deputy-Assistant Quartermaster-General in the trenches, up to his knees in mud and water, like the remainder.

  • Though it be the general opinion that this verse was revealed at Bedr, yet there are some who suppose it was revealed in the expedition against the Jewish tribe of Kainokâ, which happened a little above a month after.

  • The martyrs at the war of the ditch were six, including Saad Ebn Moadh, who died of his wound about a month after.

  • Prescott bought it; and it was about a month after he had taken possession that the thing occurred.

  • On the 7th of May, a month after Danton's death, Robespierre delivered a long speech before the Convention, a speech that marks his apogee.

  • Who knows what artful falsehoods may not be perseveringly poured into his ear, day after day, month after month, year after year, to our disadvantage and disparagement in his estimation?

  • It was about a month after my installation into my new office, that business connected with the society carried me to the village of Highgate.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "month after" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    angry tone; boil again; dark lines; deal more; down stream; eternal youth; gallant knight; hydraulic mining; know how; last message; lead pipe; little soldier; molten lava; month after; month ago; month before; month later; month past; month since; need scarce; noble duke; private secretary; speak first; this country; watched her; will hide