Including the installations returned in the Swiss industrial censuses as electric, most if not all of which are probably driven by water-power.
These are the delinquent Federal installations in the Basin, generally but not always in the neighborhood of the capital, that are contributing to the river's problem.
Federal establishment is going to be essential, and Federal installations ought to be required at least to equal or excel the quality of treatment provided by other waste producers on the same streams or bodies of water.
In addition, it is imperative that Basin Federal and State installations promulgate regulations to prevent accumulations of junk and debris on their lands.
In small installations of low head, such as above a penstock at least six times the nozzle capacity should be used, to avoid losing effective head from friction.
At present it is most familiar in the great commercial installationsof the Far West, working under enormous heads.
Its cost will vary with the make, ranging from $8 to $15; and since it is one of the real blessings of the farm kitchen and bathroom, it should be included in all installations where power permits.
The high-pressure incandescent gas installations of Mr. William Sugg supply gas to burners at five or six times the ordinary pressure of the mains.
Thermo-batteries have been used in France for working telegraphs, and they are capable of supplying small installations of the electric light or electric motors for domestic purposes.
Construction projects and various services needed to support the military installations are done by military and contract employees from the UK, Mauritius, the Philippines, and the US.
In such installations the burn out of one phase of a three phase unit would cause considerable inconvenience for the reason that the whole transformer would have to be disconnected from the circuit before repairs could be made.
Shunt wound converters are satisfactory for substations in large cities and similar installations where due to the larger number of car units demanding power, the load is more nearly constant.
These are crimes committed by military personnel or by nonmilitary personnel on military installations or infractions of military regulations.
The former are the lesser of the two and are established at major installations or are attached to large tactical units.
Construction projects and various services needed to support the military installations are done by military and contract employees from the UK and the US.
In all electricalinstallations protection of apparatus is important, but in some large central stations this is secondary to continuity of service.
The wall mounting style is adaptable to motor installations on account of the facility with which it may be mounted on any support, convenient to the motor operator.
Installations with but one bank of power transformers, and without high voltage bus, are provided with automatic circuit breakers operated by an inverse time limit relay.
In all lightning arrester installationsit is of the utmost importance to make proper ground connections, as many lightning arrester troubles can be traced to bad grounds.
For ordinary installations the compensating winding on the alternating current control magnet is connected to a current transformer in the main feeder.
However, the maritime installations which, until the end of the last century, formed the port of Ostend, dated from the time of the Emperor Joseph II.
And what they have in the way of weapons may be powered by installations in the ship.
Within 100 miles of Albuquerque were two installations that were the backbone of the atomic bomb program, Los Alamos and Sandia Base.
Scattered throughout the countryside were other installations vital to the defense of the U.
When the reports first began to come in, I had called the intelligence officers at all of the major military installations in the Southeast unsuccessfully trying to find out if they could shed any light on the cause of the sightings.
Were the installations in good and effective working order, and were the number of operators sufficient to enable messages to be received and transmitted continuously by day and night?
After these came the large installations of the Norfolk and Western through the Alleghanies and of the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul--of which much more in a moment.
It is one of the finest installations in the world, and one of the most expensive.
This collective deposit is made up of such provisions of different commodities and such installations for the various public services as are expected to be necessary.
Either on their own account or by group combinations with other communities dwellers in the smallest villages enjoy installations of all sorts of public services as complete as exist in the cities.
The Ecuadorean Government issued an absolute denial of this and of the charge that the wireless installations had been allowed to be used by Germany.
Drawbridges About the time he made the Wilmington installations above described, Mr. Robinson made an installation of his system also on the Old Colony railroad, in which one block signal section at Somerset included a drawbridge.
The above is believed to be the first disclosure of means for electrically connecting rails by a bond wire in any patent, although Robinson had disclosed it to various parties, and used it on installations years before.
Old Employees Describe First Installations Through the courtesy of A.
During the early seventies Mr. Robinson made other closed rail circuit installations on the Philadelphia & Erie and other railroads in Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Installations of this kind are made to avoid the expense of two insulated joints or where one rail is needed for another circuit.
The track circuit is, of course, known there fairly well, but there are no very great installations of automatic block to be found.
In later years, however, the English signalmen awoke to the importance of the question and installations were constructed which, if smaller, showed as great a degree of technical perfection as any in America.
Mr. Baldwin, at the time the first signal installations were made at Kinzua, Pa.
Durgin, who conducted the tests, has stated that the average result of increasing the intensity of illumination and of properly designing the lighting installations in factories will be at least a 15 per cent.
The efficiency of well-designed lighting installationsis illustrated in this case, for the illumination intensity was increased six times by doubling the consumption of electrical energy.
These were the same installations that were abandoned several centuries ago, after civilization was reestablished on the land.
In six hundred years of waiting, the population of the Omega SubGround Installations grew.
There are many installations where the battery capacity is sufficient to last several weeks.
On installations of this kind it is advisable to charge the battery to FULL at least once a week.
This condition, however, should not exist in future installations if the spillage is properly taken care of, as has been explained on page 482.
A large number of installations driven by water power are now at work, in which energy is transmitted on the alternating-current system over distances of about 100 m.
For incandescent lighting by glow lamps, the requirements of small isolated installationsand of central stations for the distribution of electrical energy over large areas must be distinguished.
The Apache shoved open each door he passed with one shoulder, and twice he played a light beam on installations within cabins.
Only when the installations it contained were destroyed, might the Apaches hope for any assistance from the Mongols, either the outlaw pack waiting well back on the prairie or the people in the yurts.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "installations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.