In Great Britain the honorary degree of a university, in spite of the fact that it goes almost as a matter of course to every casual Prince, is a highly desirable recognition of public services.
Society is the total of the forced or voluntary services which men perform for each other; that is to say, of public services and private services.
Either on their own account or by group combinations with other communities dwellers in the smallest villages enjoy installations of all sorts of public services as complete as exist in the cities.
He will have to bring his supplies from the nearest public store and dispense with various public services enjoyed by those who live nearer together; but in order to be really out of reach of these services he must go a good way off.
The same thing does not hold with reference to the exchange of /public services/.
This problem once solved, there remains another, namely, what is the best organization of public services?
Over the past 20 years, the tourist industry has grown rapidly, creating a construction boom for new hotels and the expansion of older ones.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "public services" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.