Thereupon, Vautrin insinuated that if papa Taillefer lost his son through the interposition of a wise Providence, he would take back his pretty and amiable daughter, who would inherit his millions.
Such an explanation was unmistakably insinuated by Father Garnet, when, on his trial, this evidence was urged against him; for he significantly replied that "Bates was a dead man.
Were you," insinuatedlady Feng, "to become a wife in my family, what is there that you would lack?
It was insinuated by some of the most powerful organs of public opinion, that the prosecution had been taken up unwillingly, and with not even ordinary precautions to secure the ends of justice.
They seasoned every tete a tete, wereinsinuated into every conversation.
Having viewed them, I could not but applaud them, as their due merit; and I was glad I had this happy occasion to vent my own thoughts, which I tacitly insinuated in these lines, reflecting on her from what I had read.
How he insinuated himself into the acquaintance of all he thought he could prey upon, and what tricks he used to build his interest upon their ruine.
Who so farr insinuated himself into my affections, that I was in a manner wholly ruled by him.
He insinuated that brothership and eldership gave him something like a title to paternal authority, and insisted on obedience.
Elated as I was by my success, I did not forget the Cockles, and gently insinuated to my now somewhat excited friend that we might do a little more trading.
His sneers and insults were insinuated with such skill that retaliation on the spot was impossible.
Her submissive attitude, her soft, musical voice, and her docile expression made both men insensible to the actual commands insinuated into the emotional wit and acute arguments of her little speech.
His enemies thereupon insinuated that Essex was at heart a traitor, and was in collusion with the Irish to betray his trust and make himself independent.
From my silence you conclude that the moral complaint, which I had insinuated in my last, is either insignificant or fanciful.
It was insinuated that Nehemiah had his prophets to proclaim that Judah had again its own king; it was even suggested that he was intending to rebel against Persia!
But his conscience denied the imputation of guilt, whether insinuated by his friends or implied in God's chastisement of him.
Affecting, in a measure, to coincide with and even encourage my determination, he invited me constantly to his lodgings, and by degrees insinuated himself into my confidence.
Regrets, it is true, were insinuatedthat he who could afford the shortest and most satisfactory explanations of everything should not condescend to give the public such information.
Thus it came to pass that it immediately insinuated how exceedingly becoming it would be to enter into what was called a compact between the church and state--viz.
Papas became cross and stingy, and mammas insinuated that daughters were misbehaving.
If it was meant to be insinuatedthat he was untrue to her, she simply disbelieved it.
The Moslems suppose, with more simplicity, an appeal to God and his prophet Jesus, which is likewise insinuated by Callimachus, (l.
The due amount of fee being insinuated into the "itching palm" of the revenue officers, your goods pass with all imaginable facility.
I never forgot this, from my dignified, gentlemanly father, although in my outward conduct there was nothing which insinuated the slightest reproach for the pain he had given me on that occasion.
Over the sprouting grain pigeons soared, and at times a whole covey of quails sprang up.
If any insinuated themselves they knew, how to hang them, as elsewhere.
The foul calumny was quickly insinuated that they supported themselves by selling intoxicating liquors to the savages and were not above indulging in them themselves.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "insinuated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.