That most useful kind which relates to borrowing and lending is reduced within the narrowest limits, and this still more from an opinion of insecurity than from the scarcity of money.
How far the common lot was unhappier under these conditions of squalor and insecurity than it had been under the grinding order of the imperial system it is impossible to say.
In such a country as Gaul it was already well in progress in the days of insecurity before the barbarian tribes broke into the empire as conquerors.
The sense of disease and mortality, the insecurity and the unsatisfactoriness of all happiness, descended upon the mind of Gautama.
And the irritations and hardships and the general insecurity of the new time were exacerbated by a profound disturbance of currency and credit.
The company had been forced to become a military and political power during the years of Indian division and insecurity that followed the break-up of India after the death of Aurangzeb in 1707.
In Horace the feeling of insecurity arising out of his early experience confirms the lessons of Epicurean wisdom, and teaches him not to expect too much from life, but to enjoy thankfully whatever good the passing hour brought to him.
Among 'the ancient arts by which the Latin name and the strength of Italy had waxed great,' none had fallen more into abeyance, through the insecurity of the times, than the cultivation of the land.
Marlborough was fully alive to the insecurity of his position.
The insecurity felt by Government, in spite of its large majority, in the present Parliament betrayed it into conduct which still further increased its unpopularity.
Sidenote: The ministers' insecurity with the present Parliament.
A feeling of mortified pride mixed itself with the sense of insecurity which I experienced on my approaching these parties of foreign soldiers, whose presence had made a desert of our capital.
The pueblos now in ruins throughout the original area of New Mexico, and for some distance north of it, testify to the perpetual struggle of the former to maintain their ground, as well as prove the insecurity in which they lived.
Every structure was in the nature of a fortress, showing the insecurity in which they lived.
The house was a fortress, proving the insecurity in which the people lived.
The present white population of Missouri is but thirty thousand less than that of New Hampshire, and yet the insecurity of human life in the former state to that in the latter, is probably at least twenty to one.
It was like this: I have ever felt the greatest insecurity respecting the lines, for I believe one hundred determined men would carry them with ease, if they made their attack on the Shaggyeh or Bashi Bazouk part.
Reinforcements were coming in from Berber, and were mostly sent on to Kordofan, where great insecurity prevailed.
It was soon found that the seeds of insecurity were deeply planted in the settlement that was called a peace.
All Roman Italy was in a blaze, and there must have been a sense of insecurity and anxiety even in those allied towns whose interest in Roman domain-land was remote.
The feeling of insecurity must have been rendered greater by the fact that the State still lacked an official head, and the African dependencies possessed no governor in whom any confidence could be reposed.
The quaestor was accompanied by an escort of cavalry, slingers, and archers, and a cohort of Italians bearing the weapons of a skirmishing force; for the adventures of Bocchus's envoys had shown the insecurity of the route.
This impending avalanche was not in my path along the Bisse, it was no sort of danger to me, but in some way its insecurity gave a final touch to my cowardice.
A different sort of fear that also greatly afflicted Benham was due to a certain clumsiness and insecurity he felt in giddy and unstable places.
He forgot his sense of insecurity in the interest of these active little silhouettes.
And where to this insecurity of person and property are superadded the greatest impediments to the extension of industry?
Lord Rawdon had been induced to relinquish, thus hastily, his designs upon Greene, by the insecurity of his situation.
Sidenote: Agincourt] In the summer of 1415 the king prepared to sail from Southampton, when a plot reminded him of the insecurity of his throne.
Through the last fifty it had been weakened by the insecurity of a disputed succession.
General: Weakness and insecurityof all powers of locomotion.
The opinion he had formed of her brother's character may have had something to do with these feelings, and the sense of perpetual danger and insecurity with which he walked this land of mystery and intrigue no doubt increased it.
Such a reply from the Minister, and whilst the merchants were protected by the presence of the Emperor himself, is all conclusive as to the insecurity attached to Europeans in the interior towns.
The violent death of Caligula, which was still fresh in the minds of the people, added to this wide-spread feeling of insecurity and alarm.
A sense of insecurity and doubt was spreading throughout the state as a result of the indecision of the emperor, and all began to ask themselves how long a government could last which was at the mercy of a wanton.
Although the degree of insecurity prevailing in the provinces was greatly exaggerated--serious crime in 1907 being less than in the preceding year--an increasing number of crimes were left untraced to their authors.
Its essential defect was what might be called insecurity of tenure.
From time to time seditious movements showed theinsecurity of the situation.