Locke, throughout this treatise, labours to secure the honest inquirer from that previous persuasion of his own opinion, which generally renders all his pretended investigations of its truth little more than illusive and nugatory.
I have made use of no other, though it might be desirable for the inquirer to have the Latin original at his side, especially in those works which have not been seen in French by their author.
He has read Graham and myself with great care, and is an anxiousinquirer after all truth.
I reply by reminding the inquirer of the parson and sign-post--both point the way, but neither follows its course.
No careful inquirer can doubt that bread, peas, beans, rice, etc.
The young inquirer turned in disgust from these advisers to the Dissenters, and found them also blind guides.
Professor Steinthal startles and rebuffs a commonsense inquirer with a reply from a wholly different and unexpected point of view; as when you ask a physician, ‘Well, Doctor, how does your patient promise this morning?
Bunsen’s view of a real historical progress of language from the lowest to the highest stage: “So cautious aninquirer as W.
In one letter the Major said he agreed with Mr. Hawkins that the inquirer seemed not altogether on the wrong track; but he also agreed that it would be best to keep quiet until more convincing developments were forthcoming.
His book is not without its value, but it sorely tries the patience of a simple inquirer after fact and truth.
The enthusiastic inquirermight have been hung in good earnest,--and as soon as he was relieved he fell motionless upon the floor.
Nevertheless, it is recognised (often, perhaps, unconsciously) by every inquirerwho hesitates about separating the Malay from the Mongol.
Our Lord's counter question, then, was framed with such exquisite skill as to disappoint their malice, while at the same time it was suited to guide the earnest inquirer to the truth.
Him to the test, but with no sinister motive, with a real desire to find out the truth, and probably also to find out if this Jesus was one who could really help an inquirerafter truth.
The earnest inquirer has ears to hear; the other has not.
It rebukes the unbelief of impiety, making the wrath of man to praise God; and guides the honest inquirer to truth.
The individual members who had previously been active in such matters continued to take an interest in them, but there is no evidence that a single new inquirer was gained.
The inquirer finds himself in the presence of a subtle elusive influence, which he seems unable to control, and which refuses to submit to the laws which govern physical experiments.
The doctrine of post-baptismal sin, especially when realized in the doctrine of Purgatory, leads the inquirer to fresh developments beyond itself.
On being asked what had most contributed to free him from his torments, he led the inquirer to the church, where a priest was saying Mass.
As the inquirer casts his eye over the manifold varieties of the world's faiths, he sees that they are always conditioned by the stage of social culture out of which they emerge.
The intelligent inquirer who has squared his initially materialistic system of morals with the problems arising out of the necessity of sustaining pride and preference, is then invited to explore an adjacent thicket of this tortuous subject.
As for his moral integrity, let the curiousinquirer seek an account of the Tasmanian, or the Australian, or the Polynesian before "sophistication" came.
It is very needful for the anxious inquirer to bear in mind that it is as a lost sinner, and not as "one of the elect," that he can apply to himself the benefits of the death of Christ.
The question naturally arises in the mind of the inquirer after truth, "What is the most scriptural form of Church government?
Nothing can be more soothing and tranquillizing to the spirit of an anxious inquirer than to mark the way in which salvation is brought to him in the very condition in which he is, and on the very ground which he occupies.
Fortunately, a number of scholars have furnished lists of books to which the inquirer may be directed.
The inquirer blushes to find that the answer is in the paltry equivocation, that they SKIP a day or two.
I must call the attention of the inquirer most particularly to the Quarterly Report above referred to, and the letters of Dr.
Then it is that this clear vision darkens, the intrepid inquirer loses his footing, he falls into the abyss of philosophical contradictions; in him and around him he feels only nothingness and night.
But a serious inquirer into truth need not trouble himself about the impressions provoked by Wagner among these persons.
The capable man who wrests her gifts from Nature, the industrious inquirer who in the sweat of his brow bores into the sources of knowledge, inspires respect and cordial sympathy.
Now the materials for her inductions are supplied by the chemist, the electrician, the inquirer into the most recondite mysteries of light and the molecular constitution of matter.
The chief proof of inspiration, however, must always be found in the internal characteristics of the Scriptures themselves, as these are disclosed to the sincere inquirer by the Holy Spirit.
Of such Sacred Books I, not without expense, procured myself some samples; and in hope of true insight, and with the zeal which beseems an Inquirer into Clothes, set to interpret and study them.
Yet an inquirer will at once discover that it is to the "High Schools" founded by Bishop Grundtvig, and not to the agricultural schools, which are also excellent, that the extraordinary national progress is mainly due.
Then, too, the sympathetic inquirer is shocked by the lack of seriousness in it all.
The publications of the Society are somewhat voluminous, and the inquirer should intimate any particular branches of the subject in which he is especially interested.
A short extract from a discussion on Spirits, written about three hundred years ago by an English inquirer into their nature and propensities, may find a place here.
The really musical inquirer would find it interesting to examine carefully how the great composer has treated and ennobled ideas emanating from others.
He was a professional musician systematically trained in the art, and an intelligent inquirer without pedantry or prejudice.
The compendious method of silencing a gainsayer or satisfying an anxious inquirer by flourishing a New Testament in his face, and crying 'En sacrum codicem,' seems hardly likely to have been very effective.
The same materials which enabled the inquirer of the eighteenth century to form his conclusion, existed in the fourth century.