After having assembled it several times for this purpose, and finding it inflexibly opposed to his measures, he determined to dispense with it altogether, and to substitute his prerogatives in the place of its authority.
Inflexibly adhering always to what he believed to be right, if he ever displayed warmth or impatience, it was excited by what he thought was insincere, or base, or ignoble.
The old lady was indeed a mother to me, the nurse inflexibly conscientious, and my own little maid like a faithful dog upon the doormat, constantly asking to look at the baby and to be allowed to hold him.
The very foundations of character rest on regularity, on good habits so inflexibly formed that it is painful to break them.
The demand for the murderers should have been inflexibly insisted upon; the Indians should have been struck in battle and severely chastised.
This was inflexibly enforced in flagrant cases of disobedience or misconduct, and, being regarded as a disgraceful stigma, was found sufficient.
The North is willing to let slavery remain where it is--where our fathers left it; but against its extension into the territories, the North is inflexibly and unalterably opposed.
But one course remains to us, and that we must inflexibly pursue.
It is strength swaying to every influence, yielding on this side and on that, to popular needs, yet tenaciously and inflexibly bound to carry its great end.
Yielding and accommodating in non-essentials, he was inflexibly firm in a principle or position deliberately taken.
It was a wild story, perhaps, but seemed not altogether so incredible to those who could remember what an inflexibly obstinate old fellow this wizard Maule had been.
It was strength swaying to every influence, yielding on this side and on that to popular needs, yet tenaciously and inflexibly bound to carry its great end.
To be statedly washed and dressed and catechised, got to school at regular hours in the morning, and to bed inflexibly at the earliest possible hour at night, comprised about all the attention that children could receive in those days.
Hippolitus perceived his dejection, and entreated that he might participate his uneasiness; but Ferdinand, who had hitherto been frank and ingenuous, was now inflexibly reserved.
She saw the marquis wasinflexibly resolved, and she withdrew to indulge the anguish of her heart, and prepare for this detested interview.
It is in this spirit that he constantly and inflexibly acts, though not failing to give Ministers a pretty sharp lecture every now and then.
A sure instinct told me that Monsieur Droqville would be directed inflexibly by the interests of his order, to consult which, at all times, unawed by consequences to himself or others, was his stern and narrow duty.
Sullen, gloomy, stern was the face that remained inflexibly fixed in the deep shadow which enhanced its pallor.
We are inflexibly determined to stamp the curse of war out here and now, if it cost millions of lives to do so.
A dead silence followed these fearful words so calmly and yet so inflexibly spoken.
Incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted; inflexibly just and upright.
He not only poured his own uncompromising life into the branches, but then determined the direction in which they should inflexibly grow.
This measure derives importance from the consideration, that it was the commencement of that system to which the American government afterwards inflexibly adhered, and to which much of the national prosperity is to be ascribed.
In 1839 he was elected to the State Senate, where for four years he was able, fearless, and inflexibly honest.
He began to feel a strange pity for that solemn, upright figure, sitting there inflexibly silent,--and he approached it a little nearer.
But should her husband, or any one of his sex break in upon the charmed circle, her pleasure was at once clouded,--and the cold hauteur of her beautiful features became againinflexibly frozen.
The hostess, however, was inflexibly sour, and saw me depart without a word, or even a salutation.
She was the belle in Vienne, and was courted by two or three of her own condition, but was inflexibly attached to a young conscript.