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Example sentences for "indeterminable"

Lexicographically close words:
indescribable; indescribably; indestructibility; indestructible; indestructibly; indeterminate; indeterminately; indeterminateness; indetermination; indeterminism
  1. He had laid up his yacht and joined the Red Cross and, henceforth, for an indeterminable period, he was to abide amidst the discomforts and dangers of the Western Front, with five days' leave every three months.

  2. And having no more reason to set bounds to those repeated ideas than we have to set bounds to number, we have that indeterminable idea of immensity.

  3. Only according to him this object that underlies all our thoughts is absolutely indeterminable by us.

  4. Even granting that we be powerless to speak as to the essence of the absolute, and that it can never be for us other than the indeterminable and unknowable, "is it nothing to be assured of the existence of an unknowable?

  5. Once a siren hooted apparently quite near them, and looking upward at a tangled, indeterminable mass which overhung the street at this point, Rita suddenly recognized it for a ship's bow-sprit.

  6. There was no time to guess anything before the blankets were thrown on to the floor, and after them bounded a bearded ruffian clad in a jersey and a pair of overalls of indeterminable age and colour.

  7. The practice or execution of the idea is always limited and defective, but nevertheless within indeterminable boundaries, consequently always under the influence of the conception of an absolute perfection.

  8. As Boehme had apprehended the absolute as the indeterminable absence of ground, so had Schelling in his earlier writings apprehended it as indifference.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "indeterminable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aleatory; amorphous; blurred; broad; chance; chancy; chaotic; confused; disordered; foggy; fuzzy; general; hazy; inaccurate; inchoate; incoherent; indecisive; indefinable; indefinite; indeterminate; indistinct; inexact; infinite; lax; loose; obscure; random; shadowy; shapeless; sweeping; unclear; undefined; undetermined; unspecified; vague; veiled