The chief element in mental infantilismis maldevelopment of the will.
In them some degree of mental infantilism is of invariable occurrence.
This mode of obsession is frequent among those who tic, and is curiously reminiscent of a familiar trait in the character of children, thereby supporting our contention of the mental infantilism of all affected with tics.
In cases of infantilismthe psychical level corresponds more or less intimately to the somatic level, an observation borne out in the case of J.
Therefore, the most we can say of the mental condition in ticquers is that there is an exaggeration of the mental infantilism or a fixation at or tendency toward regression to this type of thinking or of reaction.
I may further add that the difference between the mental infantilismwhich we find present in the tic psychoneurosis and that which we observe in other (normal and abnormal) conditions is one of degree rather than of kind.
It seems probable that variations in these two directions are both common, but it is doubtful whether they possess as much significance as the tendency to infantilism of the sexual organs in inverted women seems to possess.
Without them, below a certain minimum, the reproductive organs and their secretions will remain infantile, causing a persistent infantilism or delay of puberty.
Infantilism is peculiarly apt to occur with giantism, and while less frequent in dwarfism it also occurs, but is then especially apt to be associated with rickets.
But besides all these various forms of dystrophies, we may also cite cases of infantilism due purely to defective nutrition, and family poverty.
Accordingly the anthropological verdict of infantilism must not be based upon limits of measurement alone, but also upon the proportions of the body.
It is important not to confound any of the various forms of infantilism with rickets.
Infantilism has been extensively studied in Italy by Professor Sante de Sanctis, who has written notable treatises upon it.
Since the order of growth as between the two essential portions of stature is now determined, we are able to interpret macroscelia as a phenomenon of infantilism (arrested development of the bust).
In these cases it is more correct to speak of infantilism of sexual life than of perversions.