A curious note of irresponsible childishness came out now and then in her talk, as in this last question; it was the more noticeable for the air of maturity and self-possession which on the whole characterised her.
Was it a half-consciousness of this that led her now and then into the curious affectation of childishness already remarked?
With them it takes the form of a childishnesswhich they pursue in order to appear earnest.
The childishnesswith which he sings his own praises in his letters is quite remarkable.
Of what childishness had he not been the victim when he allowed himself to dream that he, a pure and scrupulous man, could go among such impurity as he had found at Percycross, and come out, still clean and yet triumphant?
Added to all this there was a childishness of manner about her of which, though she herself was somewhat ashamed, all others were enamoured.
Or else, they grasp at sweetmeats, and mock at their childishness thereby: they cling to their straw of life, and mock at their still clinging to it.
But now leave, I pray you, THIS nursery, mine own cave, where to-day allchildishness is carried on.
There is much childishness in the old books of wisdom.
Plainly enough it was all mere childishness and absurdity.
Whether of questionable childishness or not in any other matters, Mr. Skimpole had a child's enjoyment of change and bright weather.
Speak thou, boy; Perhaps thy childishness will move him more Than can our reasons.
And she was ashamed of her shame, and furious against the childishness that made her frown, and lower her eyes, and escape out of the room like a mouse.
Her childishness was now shot through with gestures and tones of the young girl.
Hortense and Wenceslas abandoned themselves to the happy childishness of a legitimate and unbounded passion.
Thus the Pole, the wealthiest member of the Slav family, has in his character all the childishness and inconsistency of a beardless race.
But then the childishness of this strange rival stirred up in her a more acrid bitterness than she had known till now.
A clever, dashing, creature Monimia certainly, with such a pretence at childishnessthat nobody felt any wonder at any thing she did.
And that same childishness is a very captivating quality till a girl is rising twenty or thereabouts; but after that time it does not take.
This childishness our country has not yet succeeded in getting rid of.
None the less, when in any of my poetry my childishness became too obtrusive, he could not restrain his hearty "Ha!
Sometimes Sylvia would be faced even in New York by a childishness that scarcely differed from the childishness of Carlos Morera.
One party, to which Katavasov belonged, saw in the opposite party a scoundrelly betrayal and treachery, while the opposite party saw in them childishness and lack of respect for the authorities.
The childishness of her expression, together with the delicate beauty of her figure, made up her special charm, and that he fully realized.
Dada Everything else has its limits, but your childishness is absolutely unbounded.
We have been going on with our childishness through unremembered ages.
But childishness was not weakness; nor could it account for those moments when he seemed mutely to plead to them for something.
But placed as he was, it would have been mere childishness to deceive himself with an assumption that he was not perfectly free to absent himself from Holborn for as long a period as he pleased.
This was the touch of something fanciful and imaginative; a certain grim childishness in the idea of making war on the British Empire; a certain disregard of risk; a bizarre illusion of his hate for the abhorred Saxon.
I beheld, as an inseparable whole, the contemptible result, the childishness of his imagination, the danger of his recklessness, and something like loftiness in his pitiful illusion.
Her childishness proved the best of claims upon every one's courtesy.
With the increase of childishness and loss of memory had come an increased gentleness and love of quiet, which partially disguised the loss of strength.
The plain white curtains, the childishness suggested by the cardboard boxes and the Dream-book, and the clumsy coquetry which had stained the walls, all charmed Florent and brought him back to dreams of youth.
And this particular mode of childishness is one of the commonest, into which they fall the more readily from the force of sympathy, and because they apprehend no reason for directing any vigilance against it.
The sum of the matter is this: all men, even those who are most manly in their style of thinking and feeling, in many things retain the childishness of their childish years: no man thoroughly weeds himself of all.