A similar case is reported by Williamson,[619] where peritonitis resulted from complete rupture of the ileum without any trace of injury externally, though the blow was struck by the hoof of a horse.
The ileum is most liable to rupture, though several cases of rupture of the jejunum are on record.
Case of Perforation of the Ileum by Ascarides,” from ‘Hufl.
Ileum of a Ruminant containing Acephalocyst Hydatids;” see description of preparation No.
The duodenum and ileum together form the small intestine; and the ileum is dilated at its distal end into a thick-walled sacculus rotundus (s.
The ileum is shorter, there is no sacculus rotundus, and the large intestine has no caecum, none of the characteristic sacculations of the rabbit's colon, and does not loop back to the stomach before the rectum section commences.
Two wounds were found in the ileum on the opposite sides of one coil; the openings were circular, with the mucous membrane everted.
It is not advisable to breed a mare that has had the ileum fractured.
Fractures of the external angle of the ileum or point of haunch are usually followed by displacement of the fractured portion.
Fracture of the angle and neck of the ileum may be classed among the common fractures in horses and cattle.
Fractures of either the external angle or the neck of the ileum cause the quarter to appear narrow and low.
It is very seldom necessary to give fractures of theileum any special care.
Fractures of the neck of the ileum can be recognized by manipulating the part through the walls of the rectum or vagina.
Describe the different fractures of the ileum and give treatment.
Denby discovered a large egg-cup in the ileum of a man.
In 1895, in London, there was exhibited a specimen, including the end of the ileum with the adjacent end of the colon, showing a dessert spoon which was impacted in the latter.
The skin was torn and a large coil of ileum protruded, uncovered by peritoneum.
The woman recovered, but died five months later from a second attack of intussusception, the ileum rupturing and peritonitis ensuing.
The ileum is derived from a Greek word meaning to twist, and is so named on account of its numerous coils and convolutions.
Poupart's ligament extends from the crest of the ileum bone to the top of the pubic bone.
The arteries which supply the ileum are the branches of the superior mesenteric artery.
In catarrh the large intestine may be the seat of the most advanced lesion; in typhoid fever, except with rare exceptions, the lesions in the ileum are most advanced.
The solitary glands of the ileum are hypertrophied and appear scattered over the mucous surface as small rounded elevations.
The most common form of intestinal inflammation is ileo-colitis, where the lower part of the ileum and a part of the colon, sometimes of considerable extent, are inflamed.
In the ileum the mucous folds are obliterated or swollen and thickened.
The ileumis the part of the small intestine most frequently the seat of disease, but the ileum is rarely affected alone.
These changes are usually in the lower part of the ileum near the caecum.
It is done by making an incision, preferably in the right groin, above the crest of the ileum and parallel with Poupart's ligament.
Both the visceral and parietal layers of the peritoneum were thickened, in some places more than in others; this was especially marked on the anterior of the stomach and on the lower part of the ileum and in the left iliac region.
These are evidences that the stool with the bile has been hurried along the ileumand colon, and expelled before the transformation in the coloring matter has had time to take place.
Guarding the opening of the ileum into the caecum is the ileo-caecal valve, which consists of two cusps projecting into the caecum; of these the upper forms a horizontal shelf, while the lower slopes up to it obliquely.
Caecum and appendix, while in the ileum they are collected into large oval patches, known as agminated glands or Peyer's patches, the long axes of which, from half an inch to 4 in.
It consists of the part generally known as the small intestines, the jejunum andileum of human anatomy, and Fig.
The ileum is the remaining three-fifths of the small intestine, though there is no absolute point at which the one ends and the other begins.
He knew the ileo-caecal valve; and his description of the duodenum, ileum and colon shows that he was better acquainted with the site and disposition of these bowels than any of his predecessors or contemporaries.
At its termination the ileum opens into the large intestine at the ileo-caecal valve.
Note: Most modern writers restrict ileum to the division of the intestine and ilium to the pelvic bone.
The appendix is directed upward, inward and to the left, the terminal portion being frequently coiled under cover of the ileum and mesentery.
In the ventral view, with the terminal ileum lifted up, the following arrangement of folds passing between ileum and caecum is noted (Figs.
The intermediate non-vascular fold extends from the ileum downwards along the entire left border of the caecum to the root of the appendix, fusing with the dorsal vascular fold and rounding out a deep posterior ileo-caecal fossa.
From here on they become smaller, more irregular and less closely packed, and finally in the terminal two feet of the ileum disappear almost entirely (Fig.
The species composing this group thus form a link leading up to the right-angled accession of ileum to large intestine and the lateral caecum characteristic of most other mammalia.
This fold begins, in the preparation from which the figure is taken, on the ileum opposite the attached mesenteric border, 2.
The direction of the ileo-colic entrance is reversed, the ileum now entering the large intestine from below and the left upwards and to the right, instead of from right to left.
Schematic figure to show lines of mesocolic adhesion, formation of root of transverse mesocolon and root of mesentery of jejuno-ileum in human subject.
The ileumterminates near the right haunch-bone, by a valvular opening into the colon at an obtuse angle.
The ILEUM is smaller, and thinner in texture, and somewhat paler, than the jejunum.
The jejunum and ileum are surrounded above and at the sides by the colon.
Thus, in the lower part of the ileum there are numerous glands in oval patches known as Peyer's patches.
It has happened, in the course of removing very adherent ovaries and tubes from the floor of the pelvis, that in transfixing the pedicle a coil of ileum has also been transfixed with the needle and tied to the stump.
In one instance, where the cancer occupied the ileo-cæcal valve, I succeeded in making a lateral anastomosis between the ileum and ascending colon, after performing bilateral ovariotomy.
The latter of these authors says that the ileum and jejunum in the bodies of those who died of this disease were frequently found interspersed with tubercles, inflamed and ulcerated in different parts.
The mucous membrane of the jejunum and of the upper part of the ileum is not usually much reddened, and may be even paler than in health.
Gastro-ileal folds: occur in some insects at the junction of the chylific ventricle with the ileum and serve as a valve.
It was made twelve years after the epidemic, at a time when the discrepancies between British and French observers, as to the occurrence of ulceration of the ileum in continued fever, were much discussed.
The uterus is a hollow fibrous viscus situated in the hypogastric region between the bladder and the rectum, below the intestinum ileum and above the vagina, and is by far the largest of the generative organs.
This may depend on various causes; such as too great width of the pelvis, or the pressure of the ileum full of faeces on the fore part of the uterus.
Next in the list is the 'ileum'; but it is difficult to say where the jejunum terminates and the ileum commences, except that the latter is usually one-fifth longer than the former.
It was unable to put the left hind leg to the ground, and at the upper tuberosity of the ileum some crepitus could be distinguished.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ileum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.