While the lowest angles of the fever curve approximate the normal body heat more or less closely, they never decline to a standard of apyrexia.
In another great group of Devonian Ganoids, we meet with fishes more or less closely allied to the living Polypteri (fig.
Leaving the Ganoid fishes, it still remains to be noticed that the Devonian deposits have yielded the remains of a number of fishes more or less closely allied to the existing Sharks, Rays, and Chimoeroe (the Elasmobranchii).
The Middle Ages brought caligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore that the forms of printed letters should follow more or less closely those of the written character, and they followed them very closely.
Occasionally, no doubt, as in the Lubeck Fastnachtsspiel of the Five Virtues, the two species may have more or less closely approached to one another.
Sporangia more orless closely gregarious, yellowish brown, pear-shaped or obovate, large, .
Sporangia obovate, more or less closely crowded, white, stipitate, about 1 mm.
Though it is true that the slopes of this great mountain-chain not infrequently correspond more or less closely to the slope or inclination of the underlying rocks, it must not be supposed that this correspondence is often complete.
The crest of the Ochils coincides, therefore, more or less closely, with an anticlinal arch or fold of the strata.
The crossed plants continued to the tenth generation to vary in the same manner as before, but to a much less degree, owing, probably, to their having become more or less closely inter-related.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "less closely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.