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Example sentences for "herself again"

  • She said those words, feeling mistress of herself again.

  • Even if she gets better, even if she comes to herself again, it would still be a dangerous experiment to move her too soon--the least excitement or alarm would be fatal to her.

  • You have referred to the letters written by my pupil," she resumed, addressing Noel Vanstone as soon as she felt sure of herself again.

  • Once she was away from the sound of the knocks, Beth suffered less, and began to revive and be herself again to the extent of taking Aunt Grace Mary into her confidence boldly.

  • Under his warm driving cape she came to herself again, and life returned to the cold limbs.

  • When she came to herself again, she was lying face downwards on the floor; her forehead hurt.

  • Maren put her to bed and treated her burns with egg-oil and slices of new potato; and it was some time before Ditte was herself again.

  • In the midst of her trouble and longing, Allison had almost uttered the words aloud, as though they had been spoken to her alone of all the listening people, and then Marjorie stirred in her slumber and brought her to herself again.

  • But was she not well welcomed, and mercifully dealt with there, till she came to herself again?

  • Allison was worn and spent, but she was a strong woman and she would soon be herself again, she said, and her friends said so also.

  • All the feeling she had been betrayed into showing she drew back to herself again by a strenuous effort of self-command.

  • A slamming together of the coach-house doors in the yard brought her to herself again.

  • The household convulsion had made her herself again.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "herself again" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about three; agricultural labourers; another people; batter made; bitter taste; evil omen; fine paper; get through; herself again; marry another; pale olive; political equality; shall treat; small bush; table land; think well; thirty cubits; this war; thoroughly done; thousandth part; uncle said; whip them