They form one of the largest classes of those human attachments whose idealizing power and sympathetic interfusions glorify the world and sweeten existence.
Her beauty, with her repose and softness of manner, wrought like a strange spell on the idealizing spirit of the lonely and passionate girl.
But, leaving these lower prudential regions, we find, in the nature of some of the spiritual excitements which we have been studying, good reasons for idealizing obedience.
He is a beautiful, a sublimated, and idealizing reasoner, convinced that a divine reality must exist in correspondence with his thought, which projects itself aloft to evoke from the blue an answering reality.
Matters, large, remote, and mysterious, admit of idealizing ways of apprehension.
Who was by nature only a protester could not by sheer force of will be transformed into the idealizing constructor.
He gives you indeed the reality, but he breathes into it a beauty only visible to idealizing eyes.
Shall all this idealizing refinement, this almost religious fervour, this new poetic element of chivalric love remain useless; or serve only to subtly pollute while pretending to purify the great singing passion?
While the past may thus take on an illusory hue through the very progress of our experience and our emotional life, it may become further transformed by a more conscious process, namely, the idealizing touch of a present feeling.
But one might say that the cynical and cunning Creator wished to prohibit man from ever ennobling and idealizing his intercourse with women.
The stage can be amusing, but can it show life as it is without the aid of idealizing literary art?
Familiarity with vice and sordidness in fiction is a low entertainment, and of doubtful moral value, and their introduction is unbearable if it is not done with the idealizing touch of the artist.
That a selection of this kind should be one of the marks of gentility is in itself no more than a natural consequence of the idealizing process as we see it continually exercised in the fine arts.
This difference is manifestly due to the idealizing process; for they love to see their heroes in their passionate moods and tenses.
The "yumei-mujitsu" characteristic has helped much in this idealizing process, by bridging the chasm between the prosaic fact and the ideal.
Among an idealizing and emotional people, such as the Japanese, various ideals will naturally find extreme expression.
The first is the reality of strong personalities among them capable of becoming heroes; the second is the possession of a strong idealizing tendency.
One of the most delightful fancies of the Genevese humorist, Toepffer, is the poet Albert, who, having had his portrait drawn by a highlyidealizing hand, does his best afterwards to look like it.
I am so far from blaming this idealizing property of his mind, that I find it admirable in him.
He carries this idealizing process so far that he arbitrarily divides the line "I am black but comely," attributing the first three words to the Shulamite, the other two to a chorus of her rivals in Solomon's harem!
The idealizing gaze of little Bertie Patterson was upon him; it was not precisely with reverence, certainly, that he was in the habit of treating her, for example.
Nothing but personal bitterness could have prevented Shakespeare from idealizing such a woman out of likeness to humanity.
When Antony leaves the stage, Shakespeare's idealizing vision turns to Cleopatra.
Unluckily his hand had grown weaker in the ten years' interval, and he gave such loose rein to his idealizing habit that the portrait is neither so veracious nor so lifelike.
His idealizing tendency makes him present Brutus as perfect, and at the same time he uses the historical incident of the anonymous letters, which goes to show Brutus as conceited and vain.
He seems now, for the first time, to have learned that a maiden can be pure, and in his old idealizing way which went with him to the end, he deified her.
Both voices, those idealizing and those demystifying the past, should be heard: We enslaved part of nature and took it upon ourselves to annihilate animals or, worse, change their genetic structure.
Idealizing all these possibilities would be as counterproductive as demonizing literacy-based practical experiences.
For there is no bound to the idealizing of the love which first transfuses a youth's nature with a mortal golden flame, and awakens it to new understanding.
The Platonic-Augustinian theology of the twelfth century had been idealizing and imaginative, not to say poetical.
But as she listened, she remembered all she had believed about this man, all her idealizing of his mind and character.
Thus, underneath the romantic and idealizing upper strata of her character there was the bedrock of good common sense, to resist and to survive any and all shocks.
This is at least one of the ways, I think it is the commonest way, in which Shakespeare idealizes his characters; and he surpasses all other poets in the ease, sureness, and directness with which his idealizing works in furtherance of truth.
The Poet's idealizing of his characters proceeds, in part, by putting his own intellectuality into them.
It is this that forms, in a large part, the surpassing beauty of his poetry; it is in this that much of his finest idealizing centres.
For the proper idealizing of Art is a concentration of truth, and not, as is often supposed, a substitution of something else in the place of it.
It's just sentimental idealizing and the worship of what does not exist and therefore cannot last.
It's not rotten idealizing and sentimentalizing that dies away as soon as facts are seen as such.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "idealizing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.