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Example sentences for "common occurrence"

  • This last custom seems to be of common occurrence in this part of Africa.

  • The ancient bronze shield is of common occurrence both in Britain and Ireland, and forms one of the most ingenious specimens of primitive metallurgic art.

  • They are of common occurrence, and present a variety of forms, evidently designed to adapt them to a considerable diversity of purposes.

  • They have been occasionally noticed among the chance disclosures of the spade or plough in Scotland, and are of common occurrence in the Irish bogs.

  • He had got hold of a pocket with no bottom to it--a common occurrence in my coats.

  • It is a common occurrence in Ainu households that one bowl is used by several individuals, and a more common occurrence still that none of the bowls are ever washed or cleaned after having been used.

  • An analogous reversal of gradients, due to the change of temperature over the land from day to night, is of common occurrence on the shores of large bodies of water, resulting in land and sea breezes (or land and lake breezes).

  • Snow is a common occurrence in many parts of this desert, even at moderate altitudes.

  • It is a common occurrence for a prospective traveler or a business man to write to a meteorological establishment requesting, for example, a description of the climate of South America.

  • Now and then a father, with his little son, will stop to share a cup of coffee, or they may have one apiece, but this is not a common occurrence.

  • Happily for the shunter's credit, this is not a common occurrence.

  • Burns are of common occurrence, and they are sometimes very serious and occasionally fatal.

  • Though fires at the works are not of common occurrence, there is now and then an outbreak, and sometimes one of serious dimensions.

  • Parakinetic stereotyped acts are of common occurrence, and embrace every variety of movement or gesture.

  • Tonic tic is of common occurrence in cases of mental torticollis.

  • In the south of Europe and north of Africa it is of common occurrence as a summer visitor, but migrates southwards in autumn.

  • Glucosides of both [alpha] and [beta] glucose are of common occurrence.

  • The first species of faulty pelvis (pelvis simpliciter justo minor,) is not of common occurrence, and has received but little notice in this country.

  • I have no doubt that such is the case, but I sincerely hope from this day onward it may become a common occurrence.

  • I hope it will become a common occurrence, and furthermore I venture to say that there is not an Australian present in this building who will not agree with me when he has heard the evidence.

  • The same remarks apply to enlargement of the inguinal glands, which is a common occurrence in case cancer involves the peritoneum.

  • Puthars are of common occurrence; passed a small village, Damoon.

  • North-westers are of common occurrence in this month, and are frequently of extreme severity.

  • This, however, is of common occurrence in all bamboo jungles.

  • If such miraculous healing were possible and of common occurrence, what occasion would there be for the exercise of reason, will and self-control?

  • As a consequence, mental and psychic disorders are of common occurrence; the more so because the waning of the sex functions is accompanied by a tendency to negativity and hypersensitiveness.

  • Instances like the following are of common occurrence in our free clinics for Diagnosis from the Eye: A lady tells us that she has been suffering for many years from a complication of female troubles.

  • Though rare in Ireland, flint celts of this form and character are of common occurrence in France[292] and Belgium.

  • Implements of this form, but rarely expanding at the edge, are of common occurrence in that part of Yorkshire.

  • This form is of common occurrence in the Eastern Counties.

  • Narrow chisels, occasionally 10 and 12 inches long, and usually square in section, and either polished all over or merely ground at the edge, are of common occurrence in Denmark and Sweden.

  • Yet in the West it is a common occurrence to hear of marriages of actresses to bankers, merchants, and millionaires.

  • But in America this is a common occurrence, and it is a credit to the administration, and speaks volumes for the good government of the country, that for sensible wide-awake American girls such undertakings are perfectly safe.

  • It is a common occurrence to see a young lady travelling alone without either a companion or a chaperon.

  • But the prairies lie between the more humid forest-covered regions on the east and the less humid or subarid plateaus on the west, and during the summer season droughts and hot, scorching winds are of common occurrence.

  • Great variation in the amount of snow that falls annually in a given locality is of common occurrence.

  • Cyclonic storms are of common occurrence, especially in the temperate zone, and bring to that region its characteristic diversity of weather.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "common occurrence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    certain price; common among; common carriers; common centre; common descent; common friend; common fund; common government; common interests; common justice; common life; common object; common parlance; common plan; common sailor; common schools; common summer; common temperatures; common thing; common time; common type; companion said; gone before; pointed instrument; think myself; useful purpose