If you bear me a grudge, you'd better then address your remarks to me alone; albeit it isn't right that you should kick up such a hullaballoo in the presence of Mr. Secundus.
But the fact is you've come to kick up all this hullaballoo for fear lest people shouldn't be alive to the truth; and with the express design of making it public all over the place!
So let there be no hullaballoo over it, mind that.
So you first despatched a posse of your bog-trotting Saxon churls to murder two of my men; then you dragged your battered old shins through the woods, to raise a hullaballoo at the camp.
In short, they created the devil of a hullaballoo entirely, and they might have set fire to the place, only he threatened to send for the police.
There is too much hullaballoo in it, and not enough plain hellishness to suit me.
I hope you sleep well to-night—and get the hullaballoo out of your music just as soon as you can.
I'm mighty afraid the press-gang will be coming this way, and if this hullaballoo reaches their ears, they'll be after putting their noses in to see what the fun is about.
About half an hour later a dreadful hullaballoo smote the ear of Constance.
It was thishullaballoo that drew Cyril's attention to the evanescence of the cake of cakes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hullaballoo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.