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Example sentences for "charivari"

Lexicographically close words:
charitably; charite; charitie; charities; charity; chark; charlatan; charlatanism; charlatanry; charlatans
  1. At first the caricatures inserted in the Charivari were chiefly political; and a most curious contest speedily commenced between the State and M.

  2. When the Don's young widow remarried, she and her husband were pursued by a charivari lasting three days and three nights--the most famous charivari in the history of a city widely noted for these detestable functions.

  3. Some of the charivari party had to fly, or they might have ended their days in the penitentiary.

  4. From that hour the charivari ceased, and the old lady was left to enjoy the society of her young husband in quiet.

  5. A few days after the charivari affair, Mrs. D--- stepped in to see me.

  6. All the young fellows were indignant at his presumption and her folly, and they determined to give them the charivari in fine style, and punish them both for the insult they had put upon the place.

  7. But I can tell you that a charivari is not always a joke.

  8. A set of wild fellows have met to charivari Old Satan, who has married his fourth wife to-night, a young gal of sixteen.

  9. The charivari is a custom that the Canadians got from the French, in the Lower Province, and a queer custom it is.

  10. I can, however, tell you a less dismal tale, A charivari would seldom be attended with bad consequences if people would take it as a joke, and join in the spree.

  11. To others outside of the charivari party this practice still affords amusement, few persons inclining to interfere or prohibit such pastimes.

  12. A reminiscence[43] of this period is to be found in charivari and the buying off of a party of this character with refreshments from the house, or with money for the purchase of cigars and liquor.

  13. Without ties, the bachelors of the charivari party had scattered west through the territories, while Shinn, MacCloud, and other married men had gone into such close hiding that the sheriff had been unable to subpoena one for the inquest.

  14. A cold, with complications in the shape of rheumatic pains, sent the trustee early to bed that evening, and Helen was sewing by the fire with Mrs. Glaves when the charivari turned loose outside.

  15. A jest at weddings, the charivari was sometimes used as a sinister weapon to express communal dislike or punish suspicion of sin.

  16. He believed that the boy might yet be able to help him in writing out, under his dictation, the Charivari impromptus which, he supposed, were his chief forte.

  17. This last-mentioned poem, his first published work, touched the harp of sadness; while his Charivari displayed the playfulness of joy.

  18. The hero of Jasmin's Charivari was one Aduber, an old widower, who dreamt of remarrying.

  19. The performance of the Charivari was common at that time in the South of France.

  20. In the case of the Charivari he shrinks from attempting to translate it.

  21. Jasmin's next poem was The Charivari (Lou Charibari), also written in Gascon.

  22. The charivari was anciently in France a regular wedding custom, all bridal couples being thus serenaded.

  23. The French of Louisiana and Canada introduced the charivari into America, where it became known under the corrupted name of "shivaree.

  24. The charivari in the nuptials of widowers.

  25. From the subject itself, and the expressions used in this story, we can discover the origin of the terrible charivari in the nuptials of widowers or widows.

  26. There will be a charivari in my rooms tonight.

  27. Then the charivari began to change its aspect: it turned to a riot.

  28. Next day the town seemed quiet; but a rumour spread abroad that they were going to give a charivari that night to M.

  29. A Charivari The eastern horizon was aglow with rosy tints the following morning when Holcroft awoke; the stars were but just fading from the sky and the birds were still silent.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "charivari" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bedlam; blast; brawl; charivari; clamor; clap; clatter; commotion; din; discord; flap; fracas; howl; hubbub; hullabaloo; jamboree; jangle; noise; outcry; pandemonium; racket; rattle; rhubarb; riding; roar; row; ruckus; rumble; rumpus; shindy; thunder; tumult; uproar