In neither group are the bones blended together by bony union, while they are always united in Birds, as in Oxen and similar even-hoofed mammals.
But before proceeding to the typical hoofed tribes, mention must be made of the elephants, which belong in this order.
The creodonts are assuredly the ancestors of the modern flesh-eaters, and, very probably, of the great series of hoofed animals also, as well as of other orders.
As regards teeth, and still confining attention to the hoofed mammals, we find that low down in the geological series the teeth present on their grinding surfaces only three simple tubercles.
We will next consider the palæontological evidence which we now possess of the evolution of mammalian limbs, with special reference to the hoofed animals, where this line of evidence happens to be most complete.
In all the hoofed mammals of this period the zygapophyses are flat.
Two heavy-hoofed horses straining against wet leather collars crowded her toward the curb and shortly the traffic became blocked.
These sharp-hoofed animals have been known to pursue and kill coyotes.
Through a study of fossil forms it has been determined that our present hoofed animals evolved from creatures which lived on the edges of the great tropical swamps that once covered large areas of our present land masses.
With but one exception the cloven-hoofed animals of our southwestern mountains bear either horns or antlers.
Illustration: pronghorn] Pronghorns are unique among cloven-hoofed animals of the Southwest.
These are the mammals which are ordinarily spoken of as the "cloven-hoofed animals.
From the time of Aristotle to the present time solid-hoofed swine have occasionally been observed in various parts of the world.
Couldn't she imagine with him that the dulled clatter rising from the streets was the rush of some great waterfall of the wild or of winds through a forest or of hoofed herds pounding over a distant plain?
Scarcely had he and his aides stopped his hoofed exhibit when Jane Lauderdale, in a crisp gray riding suit, appeared from the vestibule.
We was a travelling 'long mighty easy, for we was all afoot, and had hoofed it the whole distance, more than six hundred miles, driving five good mules ahead of us.
We four hoofed it along for a while, then rid a piece, catching a nap now and then as best we could, for we was monstrous tired.
Where the ash-trees flourish far their blazing Bunches to the sun, A brown One, a hoofed One, pipes against the gale.
This is true of China and Japan, where domestic hoofed animals are few in number.
I dropped the reins over Maud's haid and hoofed it up onto the porch.
The well-known group of hoofed animals, including horses and cattle, is also valuable for our present purposes, as well as in a later connection when the evidence of fossils is described.
No less interesting in their own way are the remains of other hoofed forms that lead down to the elephants of to-day and to the mammoth and mastodon of relatively recent geologic times.
The embryos of carnivora and rodents and hoofed animals are alike in their earlier development, and their agreement means a community of origin.
The horse stands first among the hoofed animals, as the friend and servant of man.
The Hippopotamus introduces the second sub-order of the hoofed animals, the Artiodactyla, animals having an even number of toes.
Mr. Tylor found in Mexico a similar custom, the Judas being a regular horned and hoofed devil.
O Parganya, thou at whose work the earth bows down, thou at whose work hoofed animals are scattered, thou at whose work the plants assume all forms, grant thou to us thy great protection!
Whoever has watched a real thunderstorm in a hot climate will recognize the truth of those quick sentences: "the winds blow, the lightnings fly, plants spring up, the hoofed cattle are scattered.
You're talking like an over-ripe Oscar Wilde, Quinny, and if you were really that sort of animal I'd have you hoofed out of this.
All the Old Birds are to be hoofedout of office, and we're to take their places, and I thoroughly approve of that.
In a hoofed animal, the centre of the hoof must be cut out so that the iron can pass through it quite out of sight where it enters the pedestal.
There is a much greater number of cloven-footed than whole-hoofed animals.
The hoofed animals are twenty-two in number, of which about seven extend into Burmahand India.
Of all animals the higher Vertebrata are the most complex; and among these the carnivores and hoofed animals (Ungulata) are highly differentiated.
In the Horses, the reduction of some parts of the limbs, together with the special modification of those which are left, is carried to a greater extent than in any other hoofed mammals.
Applied to those Hoofed Quadrupeds (Ungulata) in which the feet have an uneven number of toes.
A) carries four toes, all of which are hoofed and touch the ground, but of which the third toe is still the largest.
Passing over the aquatic orders of the Sirenians and Cetaceans, we come next to the great group of the Hoofed Quadrupeds, the remains of which are very abundant in Post-Pliocene deposits both in Europe and North America.
The group of Hoofed Quadrupeds comprising the Horse, Ass, and Zebra, in which each foot has only a single solid hoof.
The order of Mammals comprising the Hoofed Quadrupeds.
A division of the hoofed quadrupeds (Ungulata) in which each foot has an even number of toes (two or four).
The group ofHoofed Quadrupeds (Ungulata) which "ruminate" or chew the cud.
It may have been a Marsupial; but, upon the whole, Professor Owen is inclined to believe that it must have been a hoofed and herbivorous Quadruped belonging to the series of the higher Mammals (Placentalia).