A mighty man, that can and may, Shulde with his honde and body alway Winne him his food in laboring, 6575 If he ne have rent or sich a thing, Although he be religious, And god to serven curious.
Tel me than how a man may liven, 6685 That al his good to pore hath yiven, And wol but only bidde his bedis, And never with honde laboure his nedis: May he do so?
And as sche fledde fro the londe, Neptunus tok hire into honde 180 And kept hire in so sauf a place Fro Polipheme and his manace, That he with al his false Envie Ne mihte atteigne hir compaignie.
Thogh I seknesse have uponhonde And longe have had, yit woll I fonde To wryte and do my bisinesse, That in som part, so as I gesse, The wyse man mai ben avised.
With that his Pype on honde he hente, And gan to pipe in his manere Thing which was slepi forto hiere; And in his pipinge evere among He tolde him such a lusti song, That he the fol hath broght aslepe.
And forto tellen over this Hir Monthe, thou schalt understonde, Whan every feld hath corn in honde And many a man his bak hath plied, Unto this Signe is Augst applied.
And thus to se Diverse ensamples hou thei stonde, A king which hath the charge on honde 4190 The comun poeple to governe, If that he wole, he mai wel lerne.
This lettre is forth upon hire sonde, Wherof somdiel confort on honde 800 Sche tok, as she that wolde abide And waite upon that ilke tyde Which sche hath in hire lettre write.
Bot Ysis, as seith the Cronique, Fro Grece into Egipte cam, And sche thanne upon honde nam To teche hem forto sowe and eere, Which noman knew tofore there.
In his honde he helde a fawchon all blody ¶ It semed by his chere as he wold make a frai ¶ A baudryck of Isykles about his necke gaye ¶ He had and aboue on hygh on his hede.
Wyth a scalop & Thomas holdyng in his honde ¶ A spere and Phylyp aproched hym to: ¶ Iames the lesse nexte hem in pycture too.
The seconde of the lyft honde shew p{ro}phet olde Original has ¶ The .
The broch'd keene javlyn hurld from honde so stronge 335 As thine came thundrynge on his crysted beave; Ah!
Of guilden merke shall mete mie joieous eyne, Ne moe the sylver noble sheenynge bryghte Schall fyll mie honde with weight to speke ytt fyne; Ne moe, ne moe, alass!
The erle with one honde grasp'd the recer's mayne, And with the other he his launce besped; And then felle bleedyng on the bloudie plaine.
Thys daie brave Ælla dothe thyne honde & harte Clayme as hys owne to be, whyche nee fromm hys moste parte.
Your lovyng wife, who erst dyd rid the londe 35 Of Lurdanes, and the treasure that you han, Wyll falle into the Normanne robber's honde, Unlesse with honde and harte you plaie the manne.
My lyf, my deeth, hool in thyn honde I leye; Help now,' quod he.
But ye ben wys, and that we han on honde Nis neither hard, ne skilful to withstonde.
The whiche Anchises in his honde Bar the goddes of the londe, Thilke that unbrende were.
Turpyn toke him by the honde Turpin leads Laban to And ladde him to the fonte.
If ye sayn they ben the popes, why +geder ye then, of poore men and of lordes, so much out of the kinges honde to make your pope riche?
Men beren eek thise wommen upon honde That lightly, and withouten any peyne, 275 They wonne been; they can no wight withstonde That his disese list to hem compleyne.
The mannes honde doth what he may To helpe it forth and make it riche, And forthy men it delve and diche, And even it with strength of plough, Wher it hath of him self inough So that his nede is ate leste.
The hye justyce and many mo Had take in to theyr honde Holy all the knyghtës det, To put that knyght to wronge.
Whan they had tolde hym the case Our kynge understode ther tale, And seased in his honde The knyghtës londës all.
The hye justyce and many mo Had take into their honde 50 Holy all the knyghtes det, To put that knyght to wronge.
Whan they had tolde hym the case Our kynge understonde ther tale, 10 And seased in his honde The knyghtes londes all.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "honde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.