Footnote 95: A high explosive, consisting of picric acid, used as a bursting charge for shells.
Illustration: The Effect of High Explosive Shells on Trenches.
Liége, Namur, Maubeuge, and Antwerp all fell before the high explosive shells of the huge howitzers in an astonishingly brief time.
He was at the first battle at Ypres, and was for ten days in severe trench fighting, and was finally buried in the mud and débris of a trench blown in by a high explosive shell.
A New Zealander was rendered unconscious for a few minutes following concussion from a high explosive shell.
It was on this occasion while watching the bursting gas shells from the outskirts of the mining village of Philosophe that Major-General Wing was killed outright by a high explosive shell.
The gas troops will, in the future, handle all short-range methods of firing gas, smoke, or high explosive.
The efficiency of artillery gas shell or artillery smoke or high explosive shell is only one-fifth that of the projector.
What the Turks want is a gift, not of ground but of high explosive shell.
For example, when a mass of high explosive is set off on the earth's surface, the ball of incandescent gases bounds upward, spreading out in the form of an inverted cone.
The charges we used in our deep mines in the chalk were tremendous, mine-chambers being loaded with anything from 1 up to 50 tons of a high explosive twice as strong as dynamite.
Often we delay the laying of our charges of high explosive until we are within two or three feet of the enemy gallery and can even hear the enemy miners talking.
We then loaded a small charge, about a thousand pounds of high explosive, at the end of our gallery.
The enemy shelled Happy Valley mercilessly day and night, an intense barrage of high explosive, air bursts and gas shells being placed completely across it at irregular intervals, and moved backwards and forwards, up and down it.
Shellings of this nature continued until 9th June, gas shells frequently being mixed with high explosive; but the dug-out system had been so rapidly improved under the directing energy of Colonel Fleming, the C.
The whole air was fetid with the sickly stench of high explosive.
But here the blinding crashes overhead were not those of thunder and lightning, but of high explosive.
On the minute our artillery opened against the German trenches with shrapnel and high explosive, and Capt.
The projectile carries a bursting charge of a high explosive, and this charge is detonated by a delayed-action fuse.
But the British soldier is a difficult person to impress or depress, even by immense shells filled with a high explosive, which detonate with terrific violence and form craters large enough to act as graves for five horses.
The same softening-up process was used on D-day, 31 January, with a large force of warships and planes pouring on a blanket of high explosive.
Amidst all of this, a Marine demolition team threw a satchel charge of high explosive into a Japanese bunker which turned out to be crammed with torpedo warheads.
We worked our way back to where we’d left Jack Powers, and found that he’d managed to locate a shaped charge of high explosive in the meantime.
Such a shell contains a little over 1½ pounds of high explosive, which costs $1.
The British Army was absolutely dependent upon cordite as a high explosive.
Some of them were dead in their cellars, which were not proof against the high explosive shells.
I had ordered all the men to keep on their overcoats, as the stout woollen cloth of the Canadian great coats will stop the German shrapnel bullets and a lot of high explosive splinters, American experts to the contrary.
I began to retrace my steps to St. Julien, but the Germans spotted me in some way and followed me across the fields with salvos of high explosive shells.
This was stated by the promoters to be equally effective as a high explosive and a propellant!
A high explosive used by the United States for filling shell.
High Explosive, used for charging shell or other military purpose.
Dazed with surprise that he had not been blown up sky high, Horace realized that this could not be a high explosive bomb.
One section of trench was wiped out with the concentration of high explosive shells; wire, fire trench, communication trench and their living defenders being blown into an unrecognizable, pockmarked mass.
Church steeples and foundry chimneys fell like dry sticks before a whirlwind's blast, factories crumbled into ruin under the disintegrating effects of high explosive shells, burying French and Belgian defenders in the ruins.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "high explosive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.