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Example sentences for "high authority"

  • It has, however, been denied by a writer of high authority, that either any knowledge, or any love of classical literature, can be traced in the works of the two archbishops.

  • English officer of high authority to Khartoum, with full powers to withdraw the garrisons and to make the best arrangements he can for the future government of the country.

  • To another questioner, a man in high authority, who complained of the number of thieves, the Master explained that this was due to the greed of the upper classes.

  • A high authority (on other matters) has recently stated that the Chinese calendar "begins just when the Emperor chooses to say it shall.

  • This use of the adverb partially is sanctioned by high authority, but that does not make it correct.

  • If it be so, it will carry us safely over many a chasm in our knowledge, and lead us to a region free from the snares of those fascinating but barren Virgins, the Final Causes, against whom a high authority has so justly warned us.

  • Monsieur Jean Laforme was, indeed, a high authority on hair dressing.

  • High Authority, determined to make amends for the neglect with which this excellent officer was treated, offered him the best thing which it had now to give, the chief-quartermastership of the Department of the Gulf.

  • High Authority in the department admitted that the star of a brigadier was not too high a reward for this brave man, thoroughly instructed officer, model colonel.

  • When the charges against him were forwarded, he got wind of them, and, making a personal appeal to high authority, pleaded hard for leave to resign on a surgeon's certificate of physical disability.

  • As he knew familiarly the leaders in these transactions, the testimony which he collected, somewhat at random, is of high authority.

  • If it be so, it will carry us safely over many a chasm in our knowledge, and lead us to a region free from the snares of those fascinating but barren virgins, the Final Causes, against whom a high authority has so justly warned us.

  • Mirabeau is declared by a high authority to have owed part of his power to a careful study of the English constitution;[709] he translated not only Watson's History of Philip II.

  • The greatest discovery of this kind ever made by a Frenchman, was that of the receptacle of the chyle; a discovery which, in the opinion of a high authority, is not inferior to that of the circulation of the blood by Harvey.

  • In civil legislation, we see the same principle at work; it being asserted, on high authority, that in no system of laws is loyalty carried to such extreme height as in the Spanish codes.

  • But in the many messages that were sent on this subject during the last fortnight of the year 1883, the name of the one "English officer of high authority" specially suited for the task finds no mention.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "high authority" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    high above; high and; high angle; high chief; high command; high estimation; high forehead; high lands; high levels; high official; high percentage; high places; high position; high road; high speeds; high tide; high tree; high walls; higher life; higher position; higher power; higher rank; higher temperature; higher vertebrates; highly civilized; highly interesting