But herevpon this Seuerus came into Scotland, and méeting with their faith and false harts togither, droue them all out of the maine land into Iles, the vttermost bounds of all great Britaine.
Christ rooted in the harts of his subiects, vsed as an interpreter to report vnto the people in their Saxon toong, such whole sermons as Aidan vttered in his mother toong.
Hitherto yee haue heard of the time, wherein idolatrie reigned and blinded the harts of such as dwelled in this Iland.
Rudely thou wrongest my deare harts desire, In finding fault with her too portly pride: The thing which I doo most in her admire, Is of the world unworthy most envide.
Long languishing in double malady Of my harts wound and of my bodies griefe, There came to me a leach, that would apply Fit medcines for my bodies best reliefe.
The cruel worker of your kindly smarts, Prepare yourselves, and open wide your harts For to receive the triumph of your glorie, That made you merie oft when ye were sorrie.
The rest be works of Natures wonderment; But this the worke of harts astonishment.
Therefore I mourne with deep harts sorrowing, Because I nothing noble have to sing.
Would I could bellow like enraged Buls, Whose harts are full of indignation, To be captiv'd by humaine pollicie!
And like a staring Commet she would moove Our hartsto think of desolation.
I'l not beleeve a sillable thou speak'st; False harts and false toonges go together still, They boathe are quick in thee.
All you the sad spectators of this Acte, Whose harts do taste a feeling pensivenesse Of this unheard of, savadge massacre, Oh be farre of to harbour such a thought As this audacious murtherer put in ure!
I know their harts relentlesse, mercilesse, And will performe through hope of benefit: More dreadfull things then can be thought upon.
XVII ‘The fattest harts in all Cheviot We have kill’d, to carry away.
II The fattest harts in all Cheviot He would kill and carry away.
VII This began on Cheviot the hills abune Early on a Monenday; By that it drew to the hour of noon A hundred fat harts dead there lay.
With the revolution of years the then poor boy has now become part owner of the splendid block standing where a part of the Harts slept, homeless wayfarers, forty-five years ago.
Soon after the arrival of the Hartsin Cleveland, Governor Clinton, of New York, came to Ohio to formally commence the work of constructing the Ohio Canal, which was begun on the fourth of July, 1825.
Yet will we spend our dearest blood Thy chiefest harts to slay.
The chiefest harts in Chevy-Chase To kill and bear away.
The stout Erle of Northumberland A vow to God did make, 10 His pleasure in the Scottish woods Three summers days to take; The cheefest harts in Chevy-Chace To kill and beare away.
My father sayes he will noe meate, Nor his drinke shall doe him noe good, till he have slaine the Child of Ell And have seene his harts blood.
Or is "harts corneagle" a substitution for "harts' core niggle"?
The little Hartswere kept busy all morning returning chairs and dishes, and distributing the remnants of the feast to the vicinity.
The little Harts strutted about resplendent in stiff black cravats, and high crape bands about their hats.
Duneyr--Name of one of the hartswhich lived in Yggdrasil.
It is the name of one of the four harts which ran about among the branches of Yggdrasil; also the name of a dwarf.
The Canadian Harts had many commercial and social relations with the metropolis, and there was much "cousining," much going back and forth between the two places.
Harts there are also four, which from its summits, arch-necked, gnaw.
Four harts run across the branches of the tree, and bite the buds.
The stout Earl of Northumberland A vow to God did make, His pleasure in the Scottish woods Three summer days to take,-- The chiefest harts in Chevy-Chace To kill and bear away.
Precipitate resentment iz dangerous; it may not be dezerved at the time; it may make you an enemy; it may giv uneeziness to a frend; it may giv your own harts pain; it may injure you by creating a suspicion that it iz all affectation.
You hav not only an interest in being good for your own sakes, but society iz interested in your goodness; you polish our manners, correct our vices, and inspire our harts with a love of virtue.
Good friend Tepus," said he, "I want not those harts of Dallen Lea that yon stout judge spoke of but now, for in truth we have enow and more than enow in our own country.
Full forty yeeres this nation greeud mee so, Their erringe harts My wayes would neuer know; Therefore displeas'd by oath I did protest They neuer should possesse my Land of rest.
There is noe eye cast downe, there is no voyce Which to expresse the harts assent, is dumbe: The world of thinges doth every where rejoyce In certaine hope of blessed times to come.
And I pray to Him that made both Time and Place, that, in all places where euer you shall arriue, you may anchor as safly, as you doe and euer shall doe in the harts of my Owners.
Heere, Place, take it thou, and present it vnto her as a pledge and mirror of their harts that owe thee.
To whome the strings of all men's harts Make musicke of ten thousand parts: In tune and measure true, With straines[256] and changes new.
Euen God shall bless vs and[240] His holy feare, Possesse the harts of all men euery where.
I take harts and boars and bucks and roes and sometimes wild hares.
The stout Earl of Northumberland A vow to God did make, His pleasure in the Scottish woods Three summer days to take,-- The chiefest harts in Chevy-Chase To kill and bear away.
To make another excellent Jelly of Harts horn and Ising-glass for a Consumption.
The swiftest harts have posted you by land, And winds of all the comers kiss'd your sails, To make your vessel nimble.
Thus began in Cheviot the hills abone, Early on a Monnyn day; By that it drew to the hour of noon, A hundrith fat harts dead there lay.
Four harts run across the branches of the tree, and bite the buds: these are the four cardinal winds.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "harts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.