The first nuts that we harvested in 1941 were picked, placed in paper bags, set in the office, and we forgot about them, because they were not good when we put them in the bags, and we just put them back for our record purposes.
At the end of each day the harvested nuts must be placed in cold storage at temperatures between 32°F.
There are two machines now waiting for the present crop to be harvested which are supposed to pick up the nuts by vacuum picking.
A hardy green manure crop planted after the summer crop isharvested will make considerable growth during the fall and early spring, and this can be plowed under for the use of the following summer crops.
Another practice is to broadcast the coarse manure on grass land and then when the hay is harvested the sod and remaining manure are plowed under for the following crop.
The season was highly favourable and a big crop was harvested in excellent condition.
In due time the crop is harvested and marketed, the debts are wiped out, and the settler proudly opens his bank account.
Wheat is sown in the fall, and harvested in June at this place; at Dr.
The straw is about the height of that grown in the states, always bright, the heads upon it are much longer, and filled with large grains, more rounded in their form, than those harvested in the eastern part of the Union.
A single sowing may be harvested from June through early March the next year.
However, some of these vegetables are harvested as late as June, so to reduce their need for irrigation, space them wider than usual.
The peas are harvested early enough to permit a succession sowing of Purple Sprouting broccoli in mid-July.
I harvested the unexpected lesson at the end of September.
If necessary I could use much of this row for quick crops that would be harvested before I wanted to sow broccoli or cauliflower, but I don't need more room.
These are allowed to form seed, are harvested before they quite dry, and crisp under cover away from the sprinklers.
Kohlrabi (Giant) Spring-sown market kohlrabi are usually harvested before hot weather makes them get woody.
The wheat weharvested was ground at the Hoopa mill and the flour was shipped to the Trinity and Klamath mines.
All the week we harvested vigorously, and on Sunday we devoted most of the day to visiting the watermelon patches and sampling the product.
Think of the astonishment of the poor negro, who thought his master crazy to sow wheat there without manure, to see 88 bushels harvested from the 8 acres.
The best result I ever obtained was from this latter mode, when from land not capable of producing five bushels, I harvested a crop that could not have been less than 35 bushels to the acre.
His fervid soul thirsts for the hour when he shall lead his eager men to regions where bounteous crops of glory are harvested semi-monthly from valor's fertile fields.
The wheat sown broadcast is either harvested with sickles or the old-fashioned scythe with a broad blade.
At the date (September 4) of my arrival, the barley had been harvested some days, and though the straw was short the grain was plump and hard and of fair yield.
Oats they harvestedat the same time as wheat, but they had sowed them only once.
Last year everything was harvested and stored when I got there, but what I saw of the produce was excellent.
The barley was sown from May 10 to May 20, and harvested at the end of August.
His Ladoga wheat was sown April 21 and harvested August 24, but he allowed it to over-ripen, and thinks he lost at least four or five bushels while harvesting.
Potatoes they harvested at Athabaska and at Providence, from September 20 to 30.
This was stated to have been sown on May 20 and harvested before July 28, slightly over two months from sowing.
Wheat was generally sown from April 12 to May 1, and harvested at the end of August.
At the end of August they had already harvested barley and wheat.
Generally they harvestedtheir potatoes at Providence from September 20 to 30.
Too often the fields which the pioneer planted with corn were harvested by the Indian with fire.
Corn might be planted, but whether it would be harvested or not the planters never knew; and the hunter's rifle shot, necessary though it was, proved only too often an invitation to the lurking foe.
These strips he cultivated, sowed with seed, and harvestedfor himself and his family.
Millers bought harvested grain to make into flour.
He was set to herd the cattle on the harvested stubble and keep them out of the corn field.
With nearly a thousand acres of wheat, he had harvestedbarely enough for the next year's seed.
Most of the fields were harvested and those that were not were well supplied with "hands.
The harvested grain was spread on the threshing-floor in layers evened with a pitchfork, and slightly higher on the edges on account of the additional basketfuls which were being poured on.
They had harvested one food supply several miles down stream but a fierce forest fire had devastated the region while they were in the midst of their preparations for winter and left their home site unliveable.
The aspens harvested were taken from the slope of a moraine beyond the north shore of the new pond.
The rye, however, had been harvested during the last week of haying.
The earlier-sown fields are harvested in March in the eastern and southern parts of the country.
As these last are harvestedthe feeding area of the buntings becomes restricted, so that eventually every patch of standing crop is alive with buntings.
The rice crop is harvested about the first of January, with a kind of primitive sickle, and bound into small sheaves.
The rice had been harvested and threshed, and they were busied in carrying it to the villages.
The cases of poisoning occur when animals are grazed upon the plant, but not from the harvested crop or from silage.
They must have harvested much rice likewise in other parts, and therefore a considerable amount of that to be sent from there [Manila] can be dispensed with.
These same instructions provided that only nine leaves were to be harvested from each plant.
During the early days at Jamestown the tobacco was harvested by pulling the ripe leaves from the plants growing in the fields.
This would have eliminated a great deal of inferior tobacco, for much of the tobacco planted in July seldom fully matures before it must be harvested to save it from the frost.
A golden morning had followed the rain; the sun shone clear, the wind sang in the bronzed tree-tops, and on the low hills to the right of us, the harvested corn ricks stood out illuminated against a deep blue sky.
The cotton crop, then beingharvested by the negroes, and the grain and cattle of the hill country were the chief resources.
Before the end of the month he had burned thousands of barns, slaughtered many thousands of cattle, and destroyed the newly harvested grain in all that rich region.
Is vetch sown and harvested at about the same time as other crops?
Pruners are at work continuously from the time the apricots are harvested until spring arrives.