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Example sentences for "hartebeest"

Lexicographically close words:
harsher; harshest; harshly; harshness; hart; hartebeeste; hartebeests; harted; hartely; hartes
  1. I should never have thought the hartebeest could travel so fast!

  2. The hartebeest ascended the nearest hill and disappeared from sight, and the boys then pulled up their distressed and panting horses and looked at each other with inquiring eyes.

  3. I went after the herd of hartebeest that I had seen very often near the tent, on the plain at the head of which I was encamped, but I could not get near them.

  4. The bull hartebeest managed to go very nearly two miles; he stopped on several occasions and let me come close up to him.

  5. I went out for a little walk on the plain yesterday, and saw the herd of hartebeest in the distance, but I did not feel up to stalking them.

  6. The leucotis now charged across the stream; at the same time a herd of hartebeest dashed past.

  7. If the skull and horns in question are not those of a hybrid between the South African hartebeest and the tsessebe, then they must belong to an animal still unknown to science.

  8. There seems little doubt that the species of hartebeest known as Neumann's hartebeest has interbred with Jackson's hartebeest in certain districts where the ranges of the two species meet.

  9. In parts of the Bechwanaland Protectorate, where the Cape hartebeest used to be common, the ant-heaps are a glaring white.

  10. I have known too of one undoubted case of the interbreeding of the South African hartebeest (B.

  11. No large game has been seen, although the natives tell me there are koodoos, blue wildebeest or gnu, hartebeest and springbok.

  12. About the middle of the day following, we fell in with horns of hartebeest and springbok here and there by the wayside, and a few hours later, saw a small herd of each scudding across the plain a couple of miles off.

  13. Setting to work with a will, father and son rapidly skinned and cut up as much of the hartebeest meat as their nags could carry; the rest of the carcases they carefully covered up from the vultures and wild beasts.

  14. So soon as they were out of the way, he trekked with his family for Hartebeest Fontein, as they now called the place of mystery.

  15. The quiet valley of Hartebeest Fontein, with its strange discoveries and uncanny inhabitant, remain mysteries locked safely within the breasts of each one of them.

  16. Kwaneet curled himself up under his hartebeest skin cloak and was soon fast asleep.

  17. He had upon his saddle-bow the head and horns of a fine hartebeest bull, the trophy he had coveted, and behind were the skin and a good quantity of meat from the same antelope.

  18. They lived in a rough `hartebeest house' of wattle and reeds in a magnificent kloof on a tributary of the Marico.

  19. After riding an hour or two, I reached the country that had been indicated to me as the hartebeest kop; I off-saddled for half an hour to have my horse as fresh as possible, in case of a run, and then continued my ride.

  20. As I did so, the hartebeest also stopped and looked at me, and I dropped him with the first shot behind the shoulder.

  21. Feeling great confidence in the gameness of my well-conditioned, hardy little nag, I let him go over the green springy turf, and soon found that the distance between us and the hartebeest was diminishing.

  22. I saw that the result was a hind-leg of a fine bull-hartebeest broken.

  23. At the cold season of the year the Dutchmen are in the habit of making excursions into the uninhabited plains in search of the large herds of elands and hartebeest that are there found.

  24. Having made inquiries from the few Kaffirs who lived in this neighbourhood, I found that a troop of hartebeest were usually found feeding on some table-land about twenty miles from the house at which I was staying.

  25. In Africa many animals have a tendency to largeness about the fore-quarters; the elephant, wildebeest, and hartebeest appearing unnaturally heavy in front, and as though they required but a push from behind to send them on their noses.

  26. On the following day I got a long halter with a bowling-knot at the end, and cantered this same horse over my journey of yesterday, as I thought it possible that I might find the skin of the hartebeest fit to take away.

  27. The hartebeest saw it immediately, and all left off feeding; they moved about very suspiciously, keeping a good lookout at the strange object.

  28. I returned to the hartebeest and got his head and tail and my gun; the skin I left, as it was more than I could carry in addition.

  29. Fernie, who was making a pile of the hartebeest meat, turned with an angry jerk towards the speaker.

  30. Then he called the driver and said he wanted a couple of donkeys to bring in the meat of a hartebeest which he had killed.

  31. Jack and Charlie each dropped an eland, Jack wounding a hartebeest which got away in the rush.

  32. It was still an hour before noon, and by midday they had shot two impalla, which with four hartebeest made up all the game they could carry back.

  33. At length the hartebeest climbed the ridge of a wave in the grass plain, and disappeared.

  34. If I were only a hartebeest and you a springbok!

  35. The last section of the true antelopes is the Bubalinae, represented by the hartebeest (q.

  36. An antelope from the Lower Pliocene of Northern India known as Bubalis, or Damaliscus, palaeindicus indicates the occurrence of the hartebeest group in that country.

  37. In the distant interior, in the big wagon, or in some temporary hartebeest house of reeds and clay, had the family of this sturdy pair been reared around them.

  38. Here we were greatly disappointed to find no spoor of elephant, although giraffe, ostrich, gemsbok, and hartebeest were fairly plentiful.

  39. With so strong a party it was easy to drive the antelope, so hartebeest and eland meat was plentiful in the camp.

  40. Shy and timid, the hartebeest moved along in herds seldom exceeding ten in number, ever led by some old and cautious buck.

  41. A herd of hartebeest came cantering along, the leader pausing within ten paces of the clump where he lay hid.

  42. We recognized each other at once and were soon deep in the question of the validity of the Nakuru Hartebeest and the breeding of the Harlequin Duck in Iceland.

  43. Passing along the Crocodile river, where a drought set in and drove the game to the neighbourhood of the river, Selous managed to kill a few good specimens of hartebeest and wildebeest which he preserved.

  44. So far the last named was only known from specimens taken at and north of the Zambesi river, so that it was possible that the Sabi hartebeest might be slightly different.

  45. They watched the chase, until they could just see the bright body of the hartebeest afar off, appearing like a yellow spot upon the face of the rocks, but the dogs were no longer visible.

  46. The hounds had come unexpectedly upon the hartebeest herd; and almost at the first dash, one of the antelopes became separated from the rest, and ran in an opposite direction.

  47. When the hartebeest stood to bay, and the hounds came up, Von Bloom very naturally expected to see the latter run in upon their game, and at once pull it to the ground.

  48. Again the pack took station at a distance, and the hartebeest stood upon the plain alone!

  49. The hartebeest has a weakness in its character, opposite to which the wild hound possesses a cunning.

  50. Swartboy, tying upon his twenty-feet lash a new cracker, which he had twisted out of the skin of the hartebeest antelope.

  51. On breaking off, the hartebeest ran in a right line, and the hounds followed straight after.

  52. Again the hartebeest verged from its course.

  53. The hartebeest was now running upon a new line; and as before, one of the hounds was soon seen to head the pack, and press forward at the top of his speed.

  54. In September 1886 this place was literally crawling with hartebeest and zebra, besides impala, G.

  55. It may be met with from April to August as near the coast as Maji Chumvi, three marches from Mombasa, and ranges throughout the year as far north as Doreta, a little to the south of Njemps, where Jackson’s hartebeest takes its place.

  56. From grove and thicket sprang the hartebeest and duiker.

  57. Here they simultaneously discovered that no duiker was to be seen, though they observed a troop of quaggas far out of range, and a hartebeest in the distance.

  58. The lordly oryx crossed our path; the ungainly hartebeest lumbered away to windward at a pace which made pursuit hopeless; the gazelles of the desert fled before us like thistledown borne on an eddying wind.

  59. Three hartebeest sped away over the sky-line, their forms looming immense and grotesque just as the mirage seized them.

  60. During the gallop he ran for several minutes almost in the middle of a mixed herd of hartebeest and zebra.

  61. The hartebeest held on with more vigour than he had expected, and at last, when he had got within distance, a sudden stumble of his horse caused him altogether to miss his mark.

  62. George and Matamo rode in pursuit and succeeded in killing a hartebeest and two springboks, the more dainty parts of which were cooked for the evening meal.

  63. Rivers had now sufficient time to take aim at the leader of the pack with his first barrel, and the hartebeest with the second.

  64. The hartebeest dropped instantly, with a ball through its heart, and the dog rushed off with a yell of pain, falling dead before it had gone a hundred yards.

  65. A strange suspicion entered the mind of Von Bloom, and, calling upon them to saddle the quaggas, he, with Hans and Hendrik, rode off towards the place where the hartebeest had been last seen.

  66. When we was ridin' after that hartebeest to-day he comes out with it.

  67. After dining sumptuously on eland tongue and hartebeest tenderloin Burt pushed back his canvas chair with a sigh of content.

  68. Keep the heads of that hartebeest of Burt's and mine.

  69. They've located a herd of wildebeest an' hartebeest just ahead.

  70. Both Montenay and Mr. Wallace had dropped hartebeest bucks, and the bearers were jubilant as all ran down the hill.

  71. NOTES [1] Sassaby (also spelt Sesseby) or Bastard Hartebeest are much smaller than the Hartebeest proper, and are found in open veld near forest country.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hartebeest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    animal; antelope; armadillo; bat; buck; camel; deer; doe; dromedary; elephant; elk; fawn; gazelle; giraffe; hare; hind; horse; kangaroo; mammal; opossum; pig; rat; reindeer; roebuck; springbok; stag