But harkeyou Kate, Whither I go, thither shall you go too: To day will I set forth, to morrow you.
Nay butharke you Francis, for the Sugar thou gauest me, 'twas a penyworth, was't not?
But harke yee, What cunning match haue you made this iest of the Drawer?
O harke you Sir, this waiward moode of yours Must sifted be, or rather rooted out.
Harke you, Madam, the sweet gale of one Clarences breath, with this his paper sayle blowes me hether.
But I will trye it further, harke a comes; Nowe must I passe the pike of lunacye.
Now stand ye forth, my mery men all, And harke what I shall say; Of an adventure I shal you tell, The which befell this other day.
Fenton, Yet seeke my Fathers loue, still seeke it sir, If opportunity and humblest suite Cannot attaine it, why then harke you hither Shal.
Harke how the generall noise doth welcome from the Parthian wars; each spirit's jocund, fraught with glee, then wrong not thine with this dull meditation.
Harke ye sir, I understand ye are a propper man, and that you have a good legge.
Harke one of them hath some small sparke of life, To kindle knowledge of their sad mishaps.
My beastes, a whyle your foode refraine, And harke your herdmans sounde: Whom spitefull love, alas!
Hearke, how the Larke Is to the Morning singing; Harke how the Bells are ringing.
Harke to the peoples cryes, Harke to the streets that Galba, Galba, ring.
Harke how th'applauding shouts doe cleave the ayre,[5] This idle talke will make me loose the sight.
Harke how at every touch she does complaine her; Harke how she bids her frighted drops make hast, And with sad murmurs chides the hands that stain her.
Harke you, let vs not be laughing stockes to other mens humors.
Harke you sir, Ile tell you what the sport shall be 100 Doctor Cayus and sir Hu are to fight, My merrie Host hath had the measuring Of their weapons, and hath Appointed them contrary places.
Harke George, what a woful cry there is, I think some woman lyes in there.
But harke ye Captain, there is Wine distributing, I would fain know what share I have.
Ungracious child I warrant him, harkehow he chops Logick with his Mother: thou hadst best tell her she lies, do, tell her she lies.
Harke you, they come this way: If you will tarrie holy Pilgrime But till the troopes come by, I will conduct you where you shall be lodg'd, The rather for I thinke I know your hostesse As ample as my selfe Hel.
Harke how the villaine would close now, after his treasonable abuses Esc.
By seauen a clock, ile get you such a Ladder Duk But harke thee: I will goe to her alone, How shall I best conuey the Ladder thither?
Harke ye, mayde, if mayde, are ye so light That you can see to wander in the night?
Harke ye, true man, if true, I tell you, no; I cannot see at all which way I goe.
Nay, but harke ye, brother; Whose white[1774] boy is that same?
But harke ye, maister Goursey; 260 Looke ye perswade at home as I will do: What, man!
But harke you, gammer, me thinkes this Jack bore a great sway in the parish.
Harke you, Sir, you are never like to recover me by law.
Hie to your Chamber, Ile find Romeo To comfort you, I wot well where he is: Harke ye your Romeo will be heere at night, Ile to him, he is hid at Lawrence Cell Iul.
Now God in heauen blesse thee: harke you sir, Rom.
Harke this pretty bubling spring, How it makes the Meadowes ring, Loue now stand my friend, Heere let all sorrow end, And I will honour thee.
Harke the birds in yonder Groaue, How they chaunt vnto my Loue, Loue be kind to me, As I haue beene to thee, For thou hast wonne my hart.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "harke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.