But there is no doubt but that priests being many times deceiued in iest by the lay men for pastimes sake, haue on the other side more often times beguiled them in earnest.
And when Cortes came into Spayne, Don Pedro de la Cueua would many times laugh and iestwith him, saying, From farre places long lies.
Pamfilo de Naruaez made a mockery and iest at his commaundemente, and tooke Prisoner the Notarie whiche came from Cortes with that order, holding Cortes for madde, who made so manye bragges with so small a company.
As you loue stroakes, so iest with me againe: You know no Centaur?
Why iest I in such a necessary perswasiue discourse?
Not a iest had they to keepe their auditors from sleepe but of swill and draffe, yes now and then the seruant put his hand into the dish before his master, and almost choakt himselfe, eating slouenly and rauenously to cause sport.
Wherewith the king being mooued said, "What thou dunghill knaue, should I iest with thée?
But is this true, or is it else your pleasure, Like pleasant trauailors to breake a Iest Vpon the companie you ouertake?
Nay that you shall not since you haue begun: Haue at you for a better iest or too Bian.
A has a little gald me I confesse: And as the Iest did glaunce awaie from me, 'Tis ten to one it maim'd you too out right Bap.
She saies you haue some goodly Iest in hand, She will not come: she bids you come to her Petr.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.