The hallways were cavernous, and even though the clubroom was on the second floor it had the dank, dimly lit feel of a basement.
And besides, in modern houses people are cutting the hallways down to a minimum--to an absolute minimum.
Why, my dear people, don't you know that hallways are no earthly good except to catch dust and be drafty and make extra work for servants?
Others ran from their rooms into the fire-swept hallways and were burned to death.
Marjory, wisely concluding that no chaperon was needed, slipped unheeded from the room and fled away through twisting hallways and long corridors to the West wing where she found that Sallie had already spread the news.
New pupils always complained that there were miles and miles of dark hallways and corridors in which to get lost.
He had been wakened by noises, cries of anguished voices, hasty runnings hither and thither through the hallways of the house, and by the opening and shutting of doors.
Captain Greer surveyed the hallways with his infra-red binoculars.
In some instances, the dogs are merely led down hallways or classroom aisles.
Intruders no longer have access to the school; hallways and stairwells are safe.
At once the alarm sounded out, and in a few minutes the hallways were filled with pupils as on the previous night, while some of the teachers and Peleg Snuggers appeared with chemical fire extinguishers in their hands.
Lights were lit and turned up as high as possible, and a search of all the hallways followed.
By this time Putnam Hall was in an uproar, and boys were pouring into the hallwaysdemanding to know if there was a fire or a robbery.
All of the stairways had been burned away, and the plastering from top to bottom of the three hallways was down.
The search through the rooms and hallways of the tenement lasted fully an hour.
I suppose that the hallways will continue to sound like a celebration of Kaisersgeburtstag until we have sent off the last of them.
They demanded hallways of spacious dimensions, and into favor then came the broad and lofty hall, embodying in its construction the highest development of the colonial type.
The hallways would echo no sound and store no memory of those who had passed.
As I left the hallways of the junior high school which had, only three years before, appeared a massive array of corridors, I welcomed summer with customary gladness and reveled in the freedom that greeted my steps.
It was a pleasing change; the rooms were light and cheerful in comparison to the ICU, and the hallways were brightly painted, having here and there, small lounges for the benefit of both the young patients and their families.
Hues of rich burgundies and browns, accented by marble floors and columns, marched down shadowed, slightly ominous hallways and beneath closed hardwood doors.
The dim light of the morning scarcely penetrated into the hallways as we climbed the stairs that led to our lodgings, leaving behind us the trail of dripping garments.
We mounted one flight of stairs, I remember, and after passing through two or three winding hallways and down another flight, came out on a side street.
Two hallways side by side in adjoining tenements, would be sinful waste in Jewtown, when one would do as well by knocking a hole in the wall.
Through dark hallways and filthy cellars, crowded, as is every foot of the street, with dirty children, the settlements in the rear are reached.
The broad stone steps and wide hallways and iron fences, with glimpses now and then of ancient doorplates or more ancient knockers, tell of generations lost in the maze of oblivion.
That letter of Miss Blagdon's, written some weeks after, telling of how the stricken man paced the echoing hallways at night crying, "I want her!
Every door in the dark hallways shut in its own little story of suffering and privation.
It was nearer eleven than ten o'clock when they sauntered through various wide hallways to the palm-decorated flight of stairs that led down to the ballroom.
From all its suites of rooms, its corridors, galleries, andhallways there came no sound.
He took off his coat, rolled up his shirt sleeves, and plunged into the confusion of crates and boxes that congested the rooms and hallways on the first floor of the house.
That we would permit them to have representatives but they would be required to choose their representatives to be present, say, in these hallways or inside the buildings, and the rest of them would be excluded.
That there will be two sets of halls or hallways where they will be brought down in the rear hallways and admitted into the offices for interrogation.
She padded her way through long hallways deeply carpeted to eat in footfalls.
The newel post to the entrance was defaced with obscene handwriting, the hallways were like cellars, and there was a sign in the window, "Madam Landman, Midwife.
Thereafter, whenever he tried to speak to her in the hallways she shrank from him in both fear and indignation.
It stands on Nassau Street, between two portly stone buildings that try to squeeze this lanky impostor to death, but there is more cheerful whistling in its hallways than in the halls of its disapproving neighbors.
The bright-green burlap wall-covering in the hallwayshad faded in less than a year to the color of dry grass.
Not through wolf-haunted forests nor purple caƱons, but through tiledhallways and elevators move our heroes of to-day.
The hallways were lit with glaring fluorescents, bustling with technicians, and full of Soviets in uniform.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hallways" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.