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Example sentences for "half pounds"

  • Dissolve in one-quarter of a pint of hot water half an ounce of gum arabic; when cold, stir it up with one and a half pounds of loaf sugar, and a spoonful of powdered ginger, or twelve drops of essence of ginger.

  • Now add one and a half pounds of dark gum amber, and boil for two hours longer, or until the mass will become quite thick when cool, after which it should be thinned with turpentine to due consistency.

  • Take one pound of pulverized extract of licorice, one and a half pounds of pulverized sugar, four ounces of pulverized cubebs, four ounces of pulverized gum arabic, and one ounce of pulverized extract of conium.

  • Boil one and a half pounds of sugar in a half pint of water, till it begins to candy round the sides; put in eight drops of essence; pour it upon buttered paper, and cut it with a knife.

  • These common sheep yielded a wool suitable only for the coarsest fabrics, averaging, in the hands of good farmers, from three to three and a half pounds of wool to the fleece.

  • The fleece averages about three and a half pounds.

  • Take four and a half pounds of cream of tartar, four and a quarter pounds of alum; boil the wool gently for two hours; let it cool, and wash it on the following day in pure water.

  • That is to say, rather less than two and a half pounds of solid food, and rather over three pounds of liquid food.

  • The total amount of solid food taken in the twenty-four hours should not exceed two and a half pounds, and not more than one-third of this quantity should consist of animal food.

  • The daily ration in the French army is one pound of beef, one and a half pounds of bread, one pint of wine, &c.

  • The common daily ration for foot soldiers on the continent, is one pound of meat, and one and a half pounds of bread.

  • I know some planters who allowed their hands three and a half pounds of meat per week, when it was cheap.

  • Weight for dark cocks eleven pounds, hens eight and one-half pounds; for light cocks twelve pounds, hens nine and one-half pounds.

  • Immense numbers are taken both here and abroad, the annual catch for Europe and America being estimated at a billion and a half pounds.

  • One pound of phosphorus requires for combustion one and a half pounds of oxygen gas; one pound of charcoal, 2.

  • A bomb of eight and a half inches weighs forty-six and a half pounds; it requires four and a half pounds of powder to fill it; but one pound will burst it.

  • In the seventeenth century fifteen pounds of silver went for one pound of gold, and in the eighteenth, fifteen and one-half pounds.

  • Take five pounds of peeled lemons and the sliced peel of four lemons, and proceed as in making gooseberry wine, but allow only three and a half pounds of sugar and add no cream of tartar.

  • Distil off one gallon, and add syrup (made by heating seven and a half pounds of sugar in three quarts of water) and a quart of water.

  • Prick four pounds of plums and place them in a fire-proof stoneware pan with two and a half pounds of sugar.

  • In other words, the weight of the air at the sea level resting on each square inch of surface weighs fourteen and a half pounds.

  • Now you have heard that a column of air on a square inch weighs fourteen and a half pounds.

  • Also, you know that air in a receiver or any other vessel presses on the vessel inside and out with a force (or weight) of fourteen and a half pounds.

  • I have seen and measured several Rangeley trout two of seven pounds each, one of four and one-half pounds, etc.

  • Killed and scaled he weighs three and a half pounds.

  • Fifty heads barely formed half a bundle and only weighed two and one-half pounds.

  • Each can contains just one and one-half pounds.

  • Twelve, fourteen, and sometimes eighteen pounds of alum for 100 skins, form the basis of the bath; to which two and a half pounds of salt are added in winter, and three in summer.

  • After 24 minutes, four and a half pounds of alkaline solution, and about two-fifths of a pound of raw milk, are added; after which the boiling and skimming are continued 24 minutes.

  • For every 10 pounds of chalk employed, nine and a half pounds of sulphuric acid, diluted with six times its weight of water, are to be poured while warm upon the citrate of lime, and well mixed with it.

  • Take one pound Tartaric Acid in Crystals, one and one-half pounds Bi-Carbonate of Soda, and one and one-half pounds of Potash Starch.

  • Black Resin six and one-half pounds, Beeswax one-half pound, finely powdered Ivory Black one and one-half pounds.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "half pounds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    half acres; half century; half cupful; half cupfuls; half degrees; half full; half hidden; half laughing; half leagues; half mile; half miles; half minute; half minutes; half ounce; half past; half pints; half quarts; half score; half whisper; half wide; higher authority; hospital ships; merely said; never learned; rather fine; sakes alive