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Example sentences for "gunroom"

Lexicographically close words:
gunnery; gunny; gunnysack; gunnysacks; gunpowder; guns; gunshot; gunshots; gunsmith; gunsmiths
  1. Dr Nettleby himself, emerging from the gunroom at this critical juncture, the worthy medico having been making his rounds, looking up some of those of his patients who were not actually on the sick list.

  2. I rejoined ruefully, for I knew there wouldn't be much left if the gunroom fellows had cleared out.

  3. This made us both laugh, and dinner being now ready, Ned Anstruther and I went into the gunroom together as soon as I had completed my interrupted toilet.

  4. I hope he won't," whispered little Tommy Mills to me aside, my chum having come up with the rest from the gunroom at the general call.

  5. Why, Larkyns had to drag you round the gunroom last night in your nightshirt before he could make you wake up.

  6. A good lunch was taken ashore, and we looked more like a gunroom picnic party than a scientific expedition when we left the ship in flannels and all manner of weird costumes.

  7. Life on board a man-of-war in the tropics, especially Gunroom life, is attended by discomforts peculiarly its own.

  8. In Wardroom and Gunroom a rustling silence prevailed.

  9. The Sub-Lieutenant clanked into the Gunroom and surveyed the apartment critically.

  10. Then aft again, past Gunroom and Wardroom--with a stoppage outside the former.

  11. Here, one morning after breakfast, came the Gunroom Smokers, pipe and tobacco-pouches in hand.

  12. Aft in the Gunroom an extra half-hour's lights had been granted in honour of somebody's birthday, and the inmates of the Mess were still gathered round the piano.

  13. Quite a number of years had passed since he first learned that in Gunroom communities to stop speaking on account of interruptions meant spending your days in the silence of a Trappist.

  14. The Gunroom was there already, and, two sets being formed, the dance began.

  15. The Gunroom Steward's reply was to the effect that you could have too much even of a good thing, and he retired gloomily to the pantry, where, in company with a vast ham and the gunroom crockery, he spent most of his waking hours.

  16. A messenger appeared at the gunroom door-- "Duty Steam Boat's called away, sir.

  17. The members of the Gunroom smoking circle mechanically knocked out their pipes against the rim of the white-washed spitkid, and rose one by one to their feet, straightening their caps.

  18. The Senior Midshipman burst into the Gunroom with a whoop of joy and flung the leave-book on the table.

  19. Outside the gunroom pantry the grimy gentleman whose sphere of duty lay in the picket-boat's stockhold sought recognition of his services in an upturned quart jug.

  20. Passing straight from a private school, he began life in the Gunroom of a sea-going ship, and was afraid with a great amazement.

  21. Then the Boy coming to me, I leapt up the gunroom Scuttle, and said, Lord be with us!

  22. I went up the Gunroom Scuttle into the Steeridge, to see what Position they were in, and being satisfied therein.

  23. The Gunroom bathroom was situated in another flat, reached via the aft-deck.

  24. A concourse of Wardroom and Gunroom officers had crowded into her bows, and the Commander, purple with emotion, bellowed incoherencies through a megaphone.

  25. The Admirals departed with their staffs in their respective barges, the Captains in their galleys, Wardroom and Gunroom officers in the picket-boats.

  26. Breakfast in the Gunroom was, to employ a transatlantic colloquialism, some breakfast.

  27. The remainder of the Gunroom had crowded round the speaker, some kneeling on the form with their elbows among the débris of breakfast, others sat on the edge of the table hugging their knees.

  28. Directly after luncheon the members of Gunroom and Wardroom made their way on deck to bask in the sun and smoke contemplative post-prandial pipes in the lee of the after superstructure.

  29. Priscilla trotted briskly through the shrubbery, crossed the yard and helped Frank out of the chair at the gunroom door.

  30. Now would you like me to wheel you up to the hall-door and ring the bell, or would you rather we sneaked round through the shrubbery into the yard, and got in by the gunroom door and so up the back stairs?

  31. Having inspected the waist of the ship, the main and upper gundecks, he led me below to the orlop deck, where right aft was situated the gunroom or midshipmen's mess.

  32. Games are played and glasses clink merrily, but in a gunroom there is a very strict limit as to both time and quantity, though none regarding volume or discordance of sound.

  33. There are, of course, differences, especially when the wardroom, or abode of senior officers, does duty also as a gunroom for the juniors.

  34. The combined wardroom and gunroom has some twenty occupants, reading the newspapers and magazines, warming themselves before the two big fires, or talking in little groups.

  35. I went down into the gunroom and threw myself on a chair, at the same time tossing the letter to Thompson, the master.

  36. So down I went, called up the gunroom steward, and desired him to give me a glass of grog for Mr Doball.

  37. The admiral stood in the gunroom of one of the iron-clads, watching the men working the guns, in an atmosphere reeking with the smoke of the powder.

  38. I called my men into the gunroom and served each with a good stiff drink of whisky and told them to take all the rest they could get.

  39. Two of the three old eighteen-pounders in the Richard's gunroom burst at the first fire, spreading around an awful scene of carnage.

  40. Gresham and Pierre had been in Fleming's gunroom just two days before the fatal "accident.

  41. It was, he thought, the revolver Lane Fleming had kept in the drawer of the gunroom desk.

  42. They all came to see him in the gunroom with a common purpose.

  43. Through the open gunroom door, Rand could hear her speaking to Walters, as though sending him on some errand to the rear of the house.

  44. Beyond a hasty greeting as Rand passed the threshold, he did not speak until they were seated in the gunroom upstairs.

  45. Yes, Mr. Varcek; I'll be in the gunroom all morning, working.

  46. After a while, Anton opened the gunroom door from the inside, and stood in the doorway, blocking it.

  47. He said that he had been unable to understand who else could have murdered Lane, until you had pointed out to him that the house could have been entered from the garage, and the gunroom from the library.

  48. The book in which Fleming had recorded his pistols he still had; he had removed it from the gunroom and was keeping it in his room.

  49. Cabot's combination library and gunroom was on the first floor.

  50. I got used to what had happened in the gunroom last December.

  51. Anton was explaining that he had heard a shot and that nobody in the gunroom answered.

  52. But why couldn't the murderer have left the gunroom by that stairway?

  53. Dinner finished, he went up to the gunroom and began compiling his list.

  54. It must not be imagined that the inhabitants of the Belligerent's gunroom always behaved like this.

  55. The midshipmen 'lived in chests,' as the saying is; slept in hammocks in the gunroom flat; and performed their ablutions in a small tiled bathroom farther forward.

  56. I had been invited to dine with the gunroom officers this day, and every thing was going on smooth and comfortable, when Mr Splinter spoke.

  57. We have had no dinner in the gunroom to--day yet, you know, Mafame.

  58. We had refitted, and been four days at sea, on our voyage to Jamaica, when the gunroom officers gave our mess a blow--out.

  59. Moses Yerk, the unpoetical first lieutenant, was standing well forward on the quarterdeck as I passed over the side to get into the canoe, with the gunroom steward following me, carrying my kit under his arm.

  60. He was here cut short by the voice of his mate, who had gone forward to slay a pig for the gunroom mess.

  61. It was about this time, while sitting at breakfast in the gunroom one fine morning, with the other officers of our mess, gossiping about I hardly remember what, that we heard the captain's voice on deck.

  62. Three of the American skippers had been quartered on the gunroom mess, and they were all at table.

  63. Then you'll not sling your cot in her gunroom this cruise.

  64. For the benefit of the uninitiated, let me describe a gunroom on board of a sloop of war.

  65. Although all the gunroom officers who could get leave were anxious to go to the ball, old Higson, who was not a dancing man, and some of the youngsters from both ships declared that it would be a great bore.

  66. It was whispered in the gunroom that they were to have some of their visitors on board for a much longer time, and it at last came out that the captain had promised a passage to Colonel O'Regan and his daughter to Jamaica.

  67. She and the colonel were pretty freely discussed in the gunroom and midshipmen's berth.

  68. Meantime, the dismounted cavaliers behind had regained their saddles, as had the gunroom officers and young gentlemen who had tilted against them their feet.

  69. It was arranged that his gunroom officers should mess with him, Harry also being invited as a regular guest.

  70. From a few things Ford said, more or less under his breath, I had a dim suspicion that if it wasn't handed over to the Vigilant, the gunroom meant to do something or other.

  71. Everyone jumped up and rushed on deck, the gunroom people clattering up behind us.

  72. It was Martin, the gunroom "flat" sentry, and then I remembered that he had saved me from being choked, and all the things that had happened came back to me all at once.

  73. Little Miss Hobbs bothered me till I let her go down into the gunroom to have all the "dear little midshipmen", as she called them, introduced to her.

  74. Dicky was on watch, heard Mr. Rashleigh tell someone that he had a telegram a fortnight old for the Captain, guessed it was ours, and rushed down to the gunroom flat to tell us.

  75. I hadn't the courage to go up on deck to let him see me, but just peeped out of a gunroom scuttle as he came alongside.

  76. Dicky hated it; it had made his life absolutely miserable; and now Mr. Langham, as soon as he got back, held a Court of Enquiry down in the gunroom about our losing the junks.

  77. He went down into the gunroom to say a few words, as he put it, and I went with him.

  78. Sally and Mr. Hobbs went in her, but before they went Mr. Langham coaxed her down into the gunroom to cut those ribbons across the piano.

  79. The rest of the gunroom and most of the ward-room officers were up there, and had a tackle rigged, all ready, and got the gun and the carriage on deck in no time.

  80. Someone or other would be banging it at all hours of the day, and as the gunroom was immediately beneath my cabin, the noise was a continual source of annoyance to me.

  81. Cigars, cigarettes, and pipes are lighted, and the gunroom personnel go up on deck for a little exercise and fresh air, for below it is confined and close.

  82. After the close of the promenade and the traffic with the natives, the gunroom personnel have begun their labours.

  83. Immediately after noon nearly all the gunroom people are again on deck, promenading backwards and forwards.

  84. Some keep in their cabins, others in the gunroom itself.

  85. His age was possibly nineteen, and his general appearance had decided the members of his last gunroom mess in their choice of a nickname for him.

  86. About half an hour later the rest of the gunroom mess turned up with the information that "leave" was granted until the morning of Monday, the 25th.

  87. Then one day we were going to sea for manœuvres, and soon after we had cleared the harbour some of us Snotties at the time variously occupied in the gunroom were startled by blasts from the siren.

  88. Tea in the gunroom followed, after which the Senior Snotty showed me round the ship.

  89. We wondered considerably what so unlooked for a signal might portend, and after waiting a few minutes to see if anything more was coming through, we went down to the gunroom to give the news to the others.

  90. After my look round I went to the gunroom and managed to get a glass of very flat beer, a hunk of bread, and a piece of pressed beef.

  91. We juniors of course came last, and on our return to the gunroom there was much speculation as to what the Admiral would do for a Secretary and Flag Lieutenant.

  92. I did not get a single word in Morse—and precious little in semaphore—and I went down to the gunroom ready to bet any money that I had failed.

  93. Most of the gunroom mess went to Edinburgh again, but I stayed on board and spent a quiet hour or so writing letters.

  94. When they had at last satisfied their voracious appetites and our turn came, we found nearly all peace lights out between deck and in the gunroom mess.

  95. At last I managed to get my reading, and after my partner had got his, we went off to the gunroom to have lunch.

  96. I had been invited to dine with the gunroom officers this day, and every thing was going on smooth and comfortable, when Mr. Splinter spoke.

  97. He had decided that he would not sleep upstairs, but would occupy the gunroom from which a window looked out upon the front of the house.

  98. The amusement of the children fell to the lot of the junior officers, and soon the gunroom resounded to the unusual sound of juvenile voices.

  99. Amongst the visitors there was not the slightest trace of panic; in fact, it was with great difficulty that the gunroom officers' could prevail upon their youthful guests to abandon their play and go on deck.

  100. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gunroom" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.