Judah conceived the plan of compiling a comprehensive history of the traditions of his people.
It was a very short step to the compiling of a similar list for the New Covenant, which by another very short step becomes the New Testament, by the side of the Old Testament.
I shall read it at a leisure time, and ask God to aide thee in compiling other useful writings in demonstration of God.
The parties who joined in compiling the report and who were co-partners of my brother were sent for and questioned regarding the truth of the report.
In addition to their value in maintaining a record of orders, the tracers and reports are used to advantage in compiling an inventory of work in progress.
If, as is so often the case, the compiling extends no farther than a mere tabulation of costs of individual jobs, it does not reach its full value as a part of the accounting records.
When they have served their purpose in compiling total material and labor costs, the material requisitions and time-cards are sorted by job numbers, direct and indirect, repair and construction cards being kept separate.
By the middle of the twelfth century, by the time when Gratian was compiling his concordance of discordant canons, it was law in England that marriage appertained to the spiritual forum.
Scholars also award Hulsius the possession of more judgment in compiling and translating than is claimed for De Bry.
Shea passed into the hands of the English Government, and was used by Smith in compiling his History of Canada, Quebec, 1815, and has not been seen since.
But, during all these years he has been compilingan Encyclopedia--I don't suppose you know what an Encyclopedia is, Boy.
At the end of the century bibliographers advanced to the stage of compiling annual bibliographies of bibliographies.
In writing his Manuel he had perceived that there were no adequate bibliographies of paleography, diplomatics, and "bibliologie" and he therefore set about compiling them.
Whatever be the criticism on the chronicle Kujiki, there is no doubting the fact that the work of compiling a history was initiated in the reign of the Empress Suiko, and partly put into execution.
This book attempts merely the task of compiling fact and fancy, drawn from many sources, in connection with current comment--based upon actual observations.
Pliny the Elder is the typical example of this tendency; a student of extraordinary diligence, his study consisted in reading, making extracts, and compiling them.
The list that I am compiling is taking up a great deal of time; but I will guarantee that it does not contain half a dozen names of intelligent people.
Suttu paused in the middle of a pious apothegm to recollections of her grandfather compiling date-names for his neighbours--names, that is to say, which by the values of the composing letters would give the date of birth.
Settlement time meant war time, since in thecompiling of new records lay ample opportunity for spite; and her husband as head-man had enemies.
In compiling the alien lists in the future, some more definite information should also be forthcoming as to the means, nationality, and destination of the immigrants.
This information is obtained by Montero y Vidal from a report made in 1654 by the Jesuits, at the order of the colonial government; it is probably one of the local reports used by Solana in compiling the preceding account.
I am going to mention them by compiling a treatise on his life.
He was a deist, and his doctrine he did impart to the Earl of Northumberland and to Sir Walter Rawleigh, when he was compiling his 'History of the World.
Such, indeed, were his habits of study, that he could interest himself in compiling a national Latin grammar, when the schools succeeded to the dissolved monasteries.
Of all my occupations at this period I am free to confess I liked that of compiling the "Newgate Lives and Trials" the best; that is, after I had surmounted a kind of prejudice which I originally entertained.
During all this time he was assiduously employed in compilingand arranging the Account of his Travels.
Even more laborious than the compiling of voters' lists was the task of explaining to the vast majority of voters what the vote meant, why they ought to use it, and how they had to record it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compiling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.