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Example sentences for "gunshots"

Lexicographically close words:
gunnysacks; gunpowder; gunroom; guns; gunshot; gunsmith; gunsmiths; gunwale; gunwales; gunyah
  1. The elephants become restless and try to break through, but wherever they turn they are met with cries and shouts, blank gunshots and waving torches.

  2. They paid no heed to the noise and tumult they caused, or even to gunshots fired at them in the darkness.

  3. He then took the French officers aside behind a ridge of sand, two gunshots from the bank.

  4. Beneath lay Fort Caroline, three gunshots distant; but the rain, the imperfect light, and a cluster of intervening houses prevented his seeing clearly, and he sent two officers to reconnoitre.

  5. Suddenly several gunshots rang out in succession, and the sounds startled the boys and Andy.

  6. There was a second volley of gunshots and at that moment Wash came to the verge of the steep descent to the camp.

  7. And with these were mingled grimmer sounds, like very music of the storm: the echo of distant gunshots fired by Czerny's men at the anchored yacht which refused them harbourage.

  8. The moaning waves upon the iron reef, the echo of gunshots in the silence of the night, alone spoke of life and being and the open sea without.

  9. Instantly a hundred, nay, a thousand gunshots sounded, as if it were awaited as a signal, and the grey towers were striped with white.

  10. The tumult was alarming; the onslaught murderous; ten thousand gunshots poured upon the fort at risk of slaying the assaulters with the garrison.

  11. It was Margery who bethought her here of a sunken cart-road descending along the right of the ridge and crossed on its way by another which would lead us to the summit again and within two gunshots of the great earthwork.

  12. I glanced up and saw a pair of horsemen about two gunshots away galloping down the uneven ridge towards us, with about a dozen in a cluster close behind.

  13. They withstood the first gunshots without firing but after that they boarded them and killed eighteen.

  14. On May 21st an ordonnance of the Intendant Bégon forbade gunshots in the town and in the barns and other buildings in the country places.

  15. Then gunshots in the rear reminded him of Tull.

  16. The opposing line broke, and then there came gunshots with, it seemed to me, a sort of revengful bark.

  17. Gunshots with, it seemed to me, intruding noise like the yap, yap, yap of a stray dog, rang out here and there.

  18. He pointed to a hillock a couple of gunshots distant from the Castle.

  19. I climbed up the roadside, only two gunshots from Nideck, and struck off into the bushes, keeping the trail always on my right; it ran along the edge of the Rhethal.

  20. Sickness among the thousands of troops in the city there already was, also a few cases of gunshots in the accident wards incident on the carelessness or ignorance of raw volunteers.

  21. Southward the crimson radiance had died out; softened echoes of distant gunshots marked the passing of the slow, dark hours, but the fitful picket firing was now no louder than the deadened stamp of horses in their stalls.

  22. They kept Williams shivering in his shirt for an hour while a frightful uproar of yells, shrieks, and gunshots sounded from without.

  23. In a few minutes several gunshots were heard.

  24. He followed down the stream to where it came in to the branch that the camp was on, and being over a ridge and so far from the camp was the cause of him not hearing the gunshots that I had fired.

  25. Uncle said we would get up early in the morning for he was sure the gunshots were close in the neighborhood in which our trap was set, and he thought it likely that we had a bear in the trap.

  26. Some days later we had a fall of snow of several inches and the second or third day after the snow came we heard a number of gunshots south of the camp on the ridge in the direction that we had a bear trap set.

  27. I concluded I would fire a couple of gunshots and see if I could get an answer, but got no reply save the hoot of an owl.

  28. This trap had not been disturbed, so I climbed the hill to the top of the ridge when I fired two more gunshots but still got no response.

  29. Gunshots were heard, also shouts, and again those strange outbursts of laughter.

  30. The attendants wished to fire, but Pan Gideon forbade them, lest gunshots might bring the whole pack to his people.

  31. We have also found them, during mid-summer, under olive-trees, but never in any cover or spot where they could not command all the space for many gunshots around.

  32. The rattle of gunshots and rustling of strong pinions was incessant--hardly had one gone down than another flight swept in.

  33. Gunshots now became fewer, a mere dropping fire, and in a few minutes more even this shooting at ghosts became no longer possible.

  34. You may see the ruins from here, about two gunshots distant.

  35. I climbed up the bank by the roadside, only two gunshots from Nideck.

  36. He pointed to a hillock at a couple of gunshots from the castle.

  37. Yet the substitution of gunshots for the suffrage is not only expensive, but, from the polling point of view, unpleasantly devoid of finality.

  38. Behind Fort Cheverino, which stood about two gunshots off our bivouac, rose the moon.

  39. He will let himself be destroyed by gunshots a good distance off, and after some hours' fight he will honourably lower his flag.

  40. You were not asleep, you little demon: the gunshots would wake you.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gunshots" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.