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Example sentences for "groveled"

Lexicographically close words:
grout; grouted; grouting; grove; grovel; groveling; grovelled; grovelling; groves; grow
  1. I think of men who have lived and loved there, who have groveled and gloried, who have drunk deep and died.

  2. Who groveled in filth and misery, Who gloried and groused and fought?

  3. They've groveled at my feet, I've pity had for none; I've bled them every one.

  4. The pony groveled out of the ditch and cantered home, squeaking at intervals and throwing his heels.

  5. Shrieking his plea, the dead Sadonger's brother staggered forward and groveled at Koyala's feet.

  6. Every Dyak groveled on the ground and even the Malay Mahometans crooked their knees and bowed their heads almost to the earth.

  7. I left my horse in charge of one I thought I might trust, and then took a train and rode over the new rails clean through to San Francisco, and there I groveled around a day or two, taking in the ways of men.

  8. I groveled all about here, this way and that.

  9. Then he groveled in apology, as if his profanity had not been the ultimate gallantry.

  10. His discretion took on the look of poltroonery and he groveled in shame.

  11. Desroches, like the rest of us, once groveled in the poverty of Job.

  12. And then do you realize, sir, that out of the way that female savage groveled and thrust that hot meat on a slab of stone before him came that beautiful thing we call courtship?

  13. With the wild cry of a mother's agony, she shrieked out that frenzied appeal for mercy, and groveled prone to the floor at his feet.

  14. Hauntingly before him arose the agonized, despairing face of the lonely woman, as on that last night she had groveled at his feet, shrieking for that mercy he had refused.

  15. No; it turned to stone the night I groveled in vain at your feet.

  16. Man groveled in the dust, the only pattern of survival that he knew when strength beyond his own was shown.

  17. And man fell down to the ground and groveled his face in the dust.

  18. And she hid her face at my feet and groveled there.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "groveled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.