And somewhat I was grieued that I could no longer abide in such a place where so many delightful sightes did present themselues vnto mee.
But aboue all thinges, this came more neere vnto mee and grieued me worst, howe I should bee assured that shee was Polia.
For which cause, my collour red and blushing, with reuerent admiration, beinggrieued at my basenesse, I setled my selfe to followe her.
And my grieued spirits vnabled long to support the same, what with the feare that I had bin in, what with extreame thirst, what with long and wilesome trauell, and what with doubting the worst that might insue.
And doubtfully then discoursing with my selfe, I was resolued that nothing coulde breede quiet, or bring content to my poore grieued hart, but my best desired Polia.
Then returned we into our owne dominions, being greatly grieued for the losse of our deere kinsmen, and yeelding vnto God most humble thanks, who of his goodnesse had euen now giuen vs the victory.
This ouerthrow of the Turkes grieued the Basha of Derbent, and made him to haue the more care for his own safetie.
Iune: it grieued me much that vpon the sight of them the time being spent, I could not giue any conuenient instructions: I wish Arthur Pet had bene informed before his departure of some special points.
Cortez released some of hys prisoners and sent them to their Lorde, saying that it grieued him the hurt done on both parties, but the fault was theirs.
It grieued Cortez muche to heare this talke, who would fayne haue corrected them but it was not then tyme, wherefore he determined to leade them with sufferaunce, and spake vnto them as followeth.
Vasseur being grieued that he vnderstood not these ceremonies, demanded of the Paracoussy what these things meant: which answered him slowly, Thimogoa, Thimogoa, without saying any more.
Who made as though itgrieued him that they had offended the Gouernor, and that he was glad that he had executed that punishment on them.
But that which grieued vs more was that when we came to the smoke, we found no man nor signe that any had bene there lately, nor yet any fresh water in all this waye to drinke.
Which grieued not a litle Dominique de Gourgues, considering the services which hee had done aswell vnto him as to his prdecessours kings of France.
Our departure grieued and displeased them very much, for they followed vs along the riuer as farre as they could: we went so fast that on Munday being the fourth of October wee came where our Pinnesse was.
Whereat being grieuedbeyond measure, she made her mone to Emilia, to know wherefore he should so absent himself from her.
And although that these be matters of loue, yet the Reader ought not to beegrieued nor take in evill parte, that we bee still in that Argument.
And that which grieued him moste was his Horse out of Breath scarce able to goe a false Gallop.
And that which chiefly grieued Mansor was hys being alone without guide: And for all he was well mounted, he durst passe no further for fear of drownyng, and to be destroyed amiddes those Marshes, whereof all the Countrey was very ful.
It grieued Don Antonio de Mendoca very much that the army returned home: for he had spent aboue threescore thousand pesos of golde in the enterprise, and ought a great part thereof still.
And in this course we felt great cold, which grieued vs much, especially being assailed by two or three windie showers, which pinched vs much with colde.
It grieued the whole company, that a thing so highly commended, and whereof the father had made so great bragges, should be found so contrary, and it made them suspect that all the rest would fall out in like sort.
Iohn Ortiz died in Autiamque; which grieued the Gouernour very much: because that without an Interpretour hee feared to enter farre into the land, where he might be lost.
And if restitution be not made by such letters, the king our soueraigne lord by the aduise of his counsel shal prouide to the partie grieued his couenable remedy, according as the case requireth.
Those things which haue beene hitherto, although they haue sufficiently grieuedvs yet will we let them seeme more tollerable: but this most malitious deuise, and those which follow we cannot easily brooke.
The silly man that in the thicket lay 2 Saw all this goodly sport, and grieued sore, Yet durst he not against it doe or say, 4 But did his hart with bitter thoughts engore, To see th'vnkindnesse of his Hellenore.
The varlet at his plaint was grieued so sore, That his deepe wounded hart in two did riue, 8 And his owne health remembring now no more, Did follow that ensample, which he blam'd afore.
After which time that this Examinate had vsed these prayers, and amended her drinke, the said Moores wife did chide this Examinate, and was grieued at her.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grieued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.