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Example sentences for "grieuous"

Lexicographically close words:
griefes; griefs; griesly; grieue; grieued; grieuously; grievance; grievances; grieve; grieved
  1. Besides this disaduantage of disarray, the shot of the Normans, did continually beate vpon the English with a grieuous execution.

  2. So it raged vntill it came to the East gate, prostrated houses and Churches all the way, being the most grieuous that euer as yet hath happened to that Citie.

  3. Enuious aboue all measure; nothing was so grieuous to his eyes as the prosperitie, nothing so harsh to his eares as the commendations of others.

  4. In March there happened fearefull lightning, and in December grieuous thunder and haile.

  5. So the people were not charged with many extraordinary taxations, but their ordinary fines and payments were very great; and yet not very grieuous vnto them.

  6. The sad blowes, the grisle wounds, the grieuous deathes that were dealt that day, might well haue moued any man to haue said, That warre is nothing else but inhumane manhood.

  7. Wherfore I suppose our countrie to be the more happie (I meane in part) for that it is void of these two grieuous annoiances, wherewith other nations are plagued.

  8. But now the course of that streame is ceased, wherevpon the inhabitants susteine manie grieuous flouds, bicause the mouth is stanched, by which it had accesse before into the sea.

  9. There this old Palmer shewed himselfe that day, 2 And to that mighty Princesse did complaine Of grieuous mischiefes, which a wicked Fay 4 Had wrought, and many whelmd in deadly paine, Whereof he crau'd redresse.

  10. They bene agreed, and to the gates they goe To burne the same with vnquenchable fire, 8 And that vncurteous Carle their commune foe To do fowle death to dye, or wrap in grieuous woe.

  11. Yet with the fall he fell into a grieuous Ague, and continued sicke for a long season, so that he could not procéede vppon his voyage with the gouernour Ouando.

  12. This was a heavy and grieuous euent, to lose at one blow our chiefe shippe freighted with great prouision, gathered together with much trauell, care, long time, and difficultie.

  13. If Heauen haue any grieuous plague in store, Exceeding those that I can wish vpon thee, O let them keepe it, till thy sinnes be ripe, And then hurle downe their indignation On thee, the troubler of the poore Worlds peace.

  14. Dread Lord, the Commons send you word by me, Vnlesse Lord Suffolke straight be done to death, Or banished faire Englands Territories, They will by violence teare him from your Pallace, And torture him with grieuous lingring death.

  15. Come hither Catesby, rumor it abroad, That Anne my Wife is very grieuous sicke, I will take order for her keeping close.

  16. Fie Vnckle Beauford, I haue heard you preach, That Mallice was a great and grieuous sinne: And will not you maintaine the thing you teach?

  17. The complaints I heare of thee, are grieuous Falst.

  18. Whose heart would not melt with teares to beholde so grieuous a sight, specially considering with himselfe that the greatest cause thereof was the beastliness and insolency of the Spaniards, as in this onely example may well be seene?

  19. And there is also to be feared the grieuous passions of the hearte, the ydlenesse of minde, or rather distraught, and the diseases of the matrice in women.

  20. Also wood shal that yeare be deare, and the likelihoode of fearefull fyres, and that the plague to be grieuous that yeare.

  21. And washing any grieuous wounde or stripe with the water, doeth in shorte time heale the same.

  22. Whiche althoughe it be grieuous for the time to Bées, yet the same is very profitable, and strengthneth them.

  23. And then his Rapier vp againe he tooke, Then on the mantle cast a grieuous looke.

  24. Ianuary following, neither hauing a gentleman to safegard me, nor lodging appointed me, nor allowance of victuals according to the Countrey fashion for Ambassadours, which argued his grieuous displeasure towards our nation.

  25. The Gouernour commanded vpon grieuous punishments to giue them no Maiz.

  26. I would to God that I had redeemed 20 of his yeares with the third parte of my goods, so grieuous is to me his extreme old age.

  27. Ah my deare Fryend, what crooked and grieuous Fortune haue I, to see thee grouelyng dead on ground and I abyding in life, to be the pray of murderous Theeues and thou so cowardly beryued of lyfe.

  28. What more grieuous payne coulde I endure of thee, or of any other, than I do, if I had killed, and done to death thy parents or whole race of thy stocke and kin with most cruel torments?

  29. And after friendly gretinges one of an other, the Duchesse made her to vnderstande how since her departure she had neuer almost commen out of her bed, for that she had been afflicted with a moste grieuous sickenesse.

  30. In Italie also, and in manie other countries, as well in the lands of the infidels, as in christendome, this grieuous mortalitie reigned to the great destruction of people.

  31. All I now desire is, that the vnexpectednesse of it make it not more grieuous to thee.

  32. The brother of the said Hugh named Gerrard, the same time lay sicke of a grieuous disease.

  33. Now, whatsoeuer things haue happened in the time of grieuous famine ought not to be recorded in historie for the generall custome of any countrey.

  34. Emperial of infamous libels: wherein is enioyned a most grieuous penaltie vnto those who inuent, write, ytter, or cause such libels to be bought or sold, or do not presently vpon the finding thereof teare them in pieces.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grieuous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.