I soon became acquainted with the whole of these illustrious exiles, and I find great delight and instruction from their conversation; and this is a great relief to me, for the life one leads in a Swiss town is rather monotonous.
Talma's gestures, his pause's, his natural mode of acting gave a great relief to the long declamation with which this tragedy abounds.
There are a great number of trees about this town and they afford a great relief to the eye of the traveller after so many hours' journey thro' volcanic wastes.
After this little affair had been so happily passed, to my great relief, they all seemed to be in good humor with themselves and with me, and were rather inclined to give me credit for having passed through their infantry successfully.
He seemed to be satisfied with this explanation, and to my great relief, he put away the letters.
A change to a dry climate from a damp one sometimes does a patient good, but when that is not possible, great relief, and in many cases cure, is to be had by this treatment.
It was a great relief to Erica after her long day's work to be out in the cool evening air.
Her enthusiasm pleased her aunt; moreover, it was a great relief to find the unknown niece well-bred and companionable, and not overburdened with shyness.
For my part, it is a great relief to me to know that with your delicate health you have this tower of strength to lean on.
It does not seem just the moment to com plain, and yet, as I can speak to no one, it is a relief, a great relief, to write about my trials.
Helen has taken Daisy to sleep with her, which after so many years of ups and downs at night, now with restless babies, now to answer the bell when Ernest is out, is a great relief to me.
The boats were now less crowded, and this arrangement was a great relief to the landing-master’s crew.
The arrival of this vessel was a great relief, as she brought a set of moorings with her for the floating-light, which still rode at single anchor.
It would be a great relief if you could be kind enough now and then to give him the pleasure of a walk.
Albinia was a welcome visitor since it was a great reliefto hear what had really taken place and to know that Mr. Kendal was with Maria.
After all, though he is as good a man as breathes, he cannot be Gilbert, and it will be a great relief to him.
It would be a great reliefto me to get this merino by any means.
This is a great relief in itself, and, I hope, may be followed by greater.
We shall conclude on Saturday, which will be a great relief for me, for, in addition to other things, I have to be six hours daily in the examination rooms.
General Lee told him that amount would be ample and a great relief.
To mygreat relief he proved to be quite as excited about the coming event as I was.
This was a great relief, for it was hard to tear away from our comfortable quarters; but this delay was a serious mistake.
This was a great relief, for although we were equally crowded, yet the upper room was above-ground, had three windows instead of two, and these were of larger size.
The short biographies of historic personages, of which within the past few years many have been published, have been a great relief to the large class of readers who want to know something, but not too much, about them.
If some fitting person could be found to advise Myrtle, whose affairs would require much care, it would be a great relief to her.
It was a great relief to me to do this, and to enlarge on the obligation that I owed to Steerforth for his care of me when I was unable to take care of myself.
Uriah Heep is a great relief to me," said Mr. Wickfield, in the same dull voice.
He sneaked back into his cell, amidst a little chorus of approbation; and both Traddles and I experienced a great relief when he was locked in.
I read with almost feverish eagerness and great relief.
As I went further on my journey, I felt side by side a physical longing and a great relief.
Mr. Smith's share in the responsibility was a great relief.
It was because Helen had gone away, she said to herself, and she was tired; and that gave her the right to cry with all her heart, which was a great relief.
He must think of me in another world, though he is n't able to do it in this; but it would be a great relief to his soul to know that I forgive him.
The boat is too much by the starn, now we've got into deep water, and your weight amidships would be a great relief to us.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great relief" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.