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Example sentences for "graphs"

Lexicographically close words:
graphically; graphics; graphite; graphitic; graphophone; grapnel; grapnels; grapple; grappled; grapples
  1. Sumner's (1929b) graphs indicate the same pattern of growth in the Barn and Great Horned owls and Red-tailed and Cooper hawks.

  2. Moreover, such graphs permit a convenient comparison of two or more different phenomena, and the curves render apparent at first sight similarities or differences which can be made out from the tables only after close examination.

  3. Cartesian graphs are almost always yielded by automatic recording instruments, such as the barograph, meteorograph, seismometer, &c.

  4. In making graphs for comparison, the scales chosen must give a similar range of variation, otherwise the correspondence may not be discerned.

  5. Probably when I brought him Wung Lu's think-o-graphs he read what he wanted to know.

  6. The thought-camera and his entire collection of think-o-graphs were gone.

  7. Wonder if the think-o-graphs and the thought-camera have anything to do with that?

  8. Someone else was interested in those charts and graphs too the other day.

  9. Bill cast a professional eye over the charts and graphs on the wall, while far down in his subconscious a sharp twinge of jealousy fulminated, tangling with his fears of space in a hybrid monstrosity.

  10. On the office walls hung big graphs of fuel consumption curves, trajectory plots from Earth to the asteroid belt, ballistics computations, oxygen consumption curves per unit metabolism per man.

  11. It is to be noted that the graphs show the control of many commodities as it existed in 1913, the last normal year before the war.

  12. These are partly summarized in the accompanying graphs from Spurr.

  13. Graphs of the condylobasilar lengths, body lengths and weights of a series of voles of known age.

  14. In the two lower graphs the solid line represents Microtus, the broken line Sigmodon, and the dotted line Reithrodontomys.

  15. The graphs indicate individual variation in these characters which limits their usefulness in determining age.

  16. Graphs of population structure showing the monthly changes in the mean percentages of juveniles, subadults, adults and males in samples from the three study areas.

  17. References:~ The chapters on Simultaneous Equations and Graphs in any algebra.

  18. The close relation between the heat applied and the product sought forms the basis of a striking series of graphs (Fig.

  19. These contrasts are clearly brought out by the graphs which represent practices well recognized for the varieties.

  20. Most of them were graphs of functions of light, considered as a wave in these experiments.

  21. Then all these graphs were fed into the machine.

  22. Swiftly he selected already prepared graphs, graphs of the math he had worked on.

  23. He went through the Kinsey books and absorbed a lot of data and graphs and figures on human behavior that meant nothing to him.

  24. Persons who said very little but made diagrams and histograms and graphs which he studied.

  25. Graphs of precipitin reactions illustrating effects of formalin on antigenicity and reactivity of the extracts.

  26. The first 'graphs had been taken from an aerial reconnaissance robot winging in low over the treetops.

  27. One of my men has brought in 'graphs of the thing.

  28. Graphs showing the distribution of distances between stations at which mice were captured on successive nights in Mesa Verde National Park.

  29. Graphs for each species represent records of both males and females.

  30. In these and all the graphs which follow, the actual ages are shown in the first horizontal column.

  31. The vertical lines in the graphs indicate birthdays and the scores written on these lines indicate ability at these exact ages.

  32. The graphs show the development from age to age.

  33. Nat Holt remained silent, watching critically the wavering dials and graphs showing the engineer's physical condition and reaction.

  34. Paul took the recordings and the analyzer graphs back to his own office.

  35. Paul followed the motion of his hand and remained staring at the graphs in a kind of stunned recognition.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "graphs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.