Still it is not impossible that some of the beds which are now graphitic gneisses may originally have been similar to the bituminous shales, coals, or under-clays of the coal formation.
Hoffman, of the Geological Survey of Canada, show that beds of graphitic gneiss, some of them 8 feet in thickness, contain as much as 25A.
Mineral charcoal, with structure, exists in the graphitic coal of Rhode Island.
I] No structures so perfect have as yet been detected in the Laurentian, though in the largest of the three graphitic beds at St. John there appear to be fibrous structures which I believe may indicate the existence of land-plants.
More especially have I hitherto failed to detect traces of it in those carbonaceous or graphitic limestones which are so very abundant in the Laurentian country.
Foucault to employ pencils cut from the hard graphiticcarbon deposited in the interior of gas retorts.
The flake graphite of the United States, principally in the Appalachian region, occurs in crystallinegraphitic schists, resulting from the anamorphism of sedimentary rocks containing organic matter.
In Madagascar the graphite is mainly disseminated in a graphitic schist, though to some extent it is present in the form of veins and in gneiss.
The presence of carbonaceous shale and graphitic schists as well as of the altered sedimentary iron ores has been taken as indicative of vegetable life.
G] No structures so perfect have as yet been detected in the Laurentian, though in the largest of the three graphitic beds at St. John there appear to be fibrous structures, which I believe may indicate the existence of land-plants.
Physical Properties and assumed Microscopic Constitution of Cast Iron containing 4% of carbon, as affected by the distribution of that carbon between the combined and graphitic states.
The difference is due to the fact that the carbon in steel is not in a graphitic form as well as because it is present in smaller quantities.
Most of the carbon in cast iron is in a form like graphite, which is almost pure carbon, and is therefore called graphitic carbon.
In the Rhode Island field the rocks associated with the coal are plainly metamorphic in character, and the coal has, in large part, been changed to graphitic anthracite.
Stove putty is composed of finely divided graphitic carbon that is made into a paste suitable for filling all imperfect joints.
Aside from those named are forms of coal that are occasionally found, such as graphitic anthracite, cannel coal, etc.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "graphitic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: mineral; petrified; sulfurous