A year before he had told Marcella Boyce, and with conviction, that he was an outcast from his class.
The passage through which he was crawling so painfully, was one which Sam and his companions had made by dint of great labor, during their residence in the tree root cavern a year before.
And with that I betook me to the same place where a year before I had seen my departed wife for the first time and drank in the sweet poison of love.
So now I had a fool of mine own and needed to buy none, though a year before I must needs allow others to treat me as such.
Page 347 Return to Mid-Ocean to search for the Cable lost the Year before.
Also the name had been heard a year before, when the Battle of Antietam had for the first time given Funkstown distinction, otherwise it might have slumbered a thousand years with no signs of awakening.
It had not been only his objection to the man whom Beatrix had wanted to marry that had so upset him nearly a year before.
When Caroline had definitely refused Francis for the second time a year before he had been well content to have it so.
Beatrix had poured out all the tale of her love to her a year before, and afterwards relied on her more than any one to assuage her pain.
She recognised this change in her and thought that the idea of his marriage to one who had shared with her the happy associations that were not wholly filial would not have perplexed her as it did now if it had arisen a year before.
I saw several acquaintances from Dawson the year before, and people from different steamers that I knew, but not my father.
Father had gone to the Klondyke a year before at the age of sixty-four, climbing Chilkoot Pass in the primitive way and "running" Miles Canyon and White Horse Rapids in a small boat which came near being swamped in the passage.
How different were my feelings now from those with which I had come down little more than a year before!
I left here nearly a year before Mr. Harmer's death, so I do not know much about it.
Thence his army retreated more badly beaten from a military standpoint than the rout which fled the same field a year before.
Little over a year before, they had started with Sherman on his series of battles and flanking marches in the struggle for Atlanta.
As at Chancellorsville a year before and on the same battle-ground, a great captain of the Confederacy was shot down by his own men, and by accident, at the crisis of a battle.
It was revealed later that Lee had already made preparations on this field a year before, in anticipation of its being a possible battle-ground.
Twas a year before I got him to receive it; he despatched the money back once, saying that I had more need of it than he.
He finished by reminding them that this was the anniversary of the scuttling of the sloop Jane, which had made them all rich a year before, off the Canaries; the day that he had sent three and twenty men over the plank to hell.
For I well knew that a year before I should have taken the same tone with one not of my class.
I could not help thinking of a man who had not been wont to speak of his intentions, who had kept his counsel for a year before Kaskaskia.
If it had been sent to him a year before, he would not have been able to read it.
A year before, however much he might have desired to give, it would have been quite out of his power to give five dollars.
It was indeed a bright prospect for a boy who, only a year before, could neither read nor write, and depended for a night's lodging upon the chance hospitality of an alley-way or old wagon.
For these were armies of veteran, battle-seasoned soldiers that were fighting each other now, and not the raw levies of a year before.
Immediately he followed up his victory as Johnston and Beauregard had not done a year before on the same field.
A year before, Bok had opened a separate editorial office in Washington and had secured Dudley Harmon, the Washington correspondent for The New York Sun, as his editor-in-charge.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "year before" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.