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Example sentences for "graduates"

Lexicographically close words:
gradual; gradually; gradualness; graduate; graduated; graduating; graduation; graduations; gradum; gradus
  1. Joel was still pointed out by admiring Hillton graduates to their friends at Harwell as "March, the fellow who kicked the winning goal-from-field in the St. Eustace game two years ago.

  2. Off came the silk hats of the frock-coated graduates and the plaided golf caps of the students, and side by side there in the sun-swept street they lifted their voices in the sweet, measured strains of the dear familiar hymn.

  3. The Engineer Corps of the army into which the higher graduates of the Academy are placed has given us fewer successful soldiers than the Infantry, which is considered the lowest arm of the service.

  4. But apart from the men in the units and drafts organized in the University, McGill men, students, graduates and professors, were found in practically every branch of the service, whether army or navy.

  5. It had been deemed necessary for the present to declare that the Professors should be graduates of some British University, but that a preference should hereafter be shown to those who had graduated within its walls.

  6. The deeper interest of graduates in their University was manifested in the formation of a Graduates' Society by a small number of McGill men resident in Montreal.

  7. The men who in its hundred years of life brought to McGill the largest portion of its fame, whether graduates or professors, were products of the new country in the young manhood of which he had such unbounded faith.

  8. All its officers were members of the teaching staff or graduates of the Medical School.

  9. The growth and development of the University was made possible only by the generosity of its graduates and friends.

  10. The nurses were graduates of either the Royal Victoria Hospital or the Montreal General Hospital, and practically all the men in the unit were drawn from the student body.

  11. The majority of the officers of these companies and a large number of the men were graduates or students of McGill.

  12. The renewed interest of graduates in their University was evidenced by the fact that they subscribed over half the amount raised.

  13. Women graduates of McGill have continued to go out for thirty-three years to fill important posts and to take a prominent place in the building up of Canada and in service to humanity.

  14. Half the total number of head masters were graduates of British or Canadian universities.

  15. During the same long period there were in Upper Canada no colleges to which graduates of Grammar Schools might go for professional training.

  16. Normal School graduates received Provincial certificates of various grades, and County Boards issued certificates valid only in the county where issued.

  17. Only graduates of universities in British dominions were to be eligible for head masters' positions.

  18. The Normal School graduates simply received certificates of attendance and had to submit to examination by a County Board before securing a license.

  19. The Act placed the College largely under the control of the Presbyterian Church and wholly under control of Presbyterians, but no religious tests were to be exacted from students or graduates except in Divinity.

  20. These teachers, graduates of Normal Schools and higher institutions, are good samples, making full proof of their enlarged powers in the Christian upbuilding of their own race.

  21. One of the graduates of this year, a young woman, left a note for the president to be read by him after she had gone, which shows so much in several ways that a portion of it may well be quoted here.

  22. Not a few of our graduates fill Professors' chairs.

  23. Four of the officers of his company are graduates of Lincoln School.

  24. All the graduates are Christians; all but two of the Academy, and three-fourths of the grammar pupils of the year have been Christians.

  25. The total number of living graduates of negro colleges or other institutions of college grade are not one in two thousand of the Negroes in the South.

  26. The allegation frequently made that these crimes are committed by highly educated Negroes, graduates of Hampton and Tuskegee, is absolutely without foundation.

  27. Some of the negro colleges are wholly manned by members of the race, many of them graduates of Northern institutions, who seem to make use of the same methods and appeal to the same aspirations as the faculties of white colleges.

  28. A favorite form of slander has been to charge that the graduates of colleges furnish the criminals, and practically the worst criminals, of the negro race.

  29. The total number of male graduates of all the Southern colleges during the last forty years is not above two thousand, besides perhaps five hundred graduates of Northern colleges who have found their way into the South.

  30. The intelligent man on the cars will tell you that the negro college graduates with their Greek and Latin are spoiling the whole race.

  31. So far from the number of negro college graduates being too great, it is entirely too small for the immediate needs of the race.

  32. The number of graduates is but a few score a year, and many of them go into professions for which they were not directly prepared in these schools.

  33. Shortly after an Act of Parliament confirmed this patent so that none could practise in England without the license of the college, save graduates of Oxford and Cambridge.

  34. Maria delle Donne was professor of medicine and obstetrics in the same college in 1799; and many were the lady graduates of the Universities of Padua, Pavia and Ferrara, as well as Bologna.

  35. To provincial graduates proceeding to compete at the metropolis, passes are issued on application, and these, pasted on their cases, exempt their baggage from examination and taxation en route.

  36. The competition for the highest degree, that of metropolitan graduate, takes place at Peking in the year following the examinations for provincial graduates throughout the Empire, to whom alone it is open.

  37. And it is interesting also to observe to what sort of questions our recent girl graduates have been inclined to devote attention.

  38. We all know young men and women who have had no college training, who are as cultivated, rational, resourceful, and happy as any people we know, who excel in every one of these particulars the college graduates about them.

  39. In a decade the leading men in the legislature began to be the graduates of the State university; and now these graduates are largely in control, and they have dealt nobly with their alma mater.

  40. So far as possible, I attended these meetings, and made use of them to strengthen the connection of the graduates with their alma mater.

  41. Secondly, it was required that as soon as the graduates of the university numbered fifty they should select one trustee each year, thus giving the alumni one third of the whole number elected.

  42. So strictly had a few such items of news been guarded--in some instances for several years--that the ability of a woman to keep a secret had apparently been satisfactorily demonstrated by the graduates of Peggy's alma mater.

  43. I think college graduates ought to disprove that sort of thing.

  44. On the formation of an additional regiment of dragoons in 1836, thirty of its officers were appointed from civil life, and only four from the graduates of the Military Academy.

  45. I had frequently read of Yale and Harvard graduates going out and getting a touch of life on the plains; so, as such a life did not seem to be beneath the dignity of cultured people, I would give it a trial.

  46. We gave our graduates a nice diploma with some blue ribbon and cheap tinsel on it.

  47. Its graduates entering into the professions or business had an unusual record of success in life.

  48. Though self-taught, he had no confidence in the graduates of the professional schools.

  49. I had many ties with him, beginning with our associations as graduates of Yale, and held for him a most cordial regard.

  50. It was largely attended by distinguished Yale graduates from different parts of the country.

  51. By the payment of one dollar, all graduates of the C.

  52. The “Society of the Hall in the Grove,” (the graduates of the class of 1882, C.

  53. Saturday will find me in a white dress and blue ribbon, and I shall try to catch the spirit which ascends to our Father, and have something of the blessings which are invoked upon the graduates of that day.

  54. After the commencement exercises the crowd dispersed, and the friends of the graduates gathered around them to congratulate and exchange friendly greetings.

  55. Every boy and every girl should stick to his school work until he at least graduates from a fully accredited high school.

  56. Of the forty State officers in Iowa in 1918, thirty were college graduates, seven were graduates of high schools, and only three had less than a high school education.

  57. There are old graduates of the University yet living who delight to think of him and to speak of him, and to assert that "'Whoso had beheld him then.

  58. The graduates receiving degrees June, 1848, were-- A.

  59. Friends of the graduates from Virginia and the Carolinas were largely in attendance on Wednesday in time for the opening of the exercises in the chapel.

  60. Gärtner further admits that hybrids between very closely allied species are more variable {273} than those from very distinct species; and this shows that the difference in the degree of variability graduates away.

  61. It has been already remarked, that the degree of fertility, both of first crosses and of hybrids, graduates from zero to perfect fertility.

  62. The town was already well filled with visitors, among them not a few graduates of Hillton and St. Eustace, who had arrived the preceding evening.

  63. After supper the men went to Society House, where the second crew, disbanded the previous day, joined them, and Professor Beck and two graduates spoke to them in earnest, hopeful strain until it was bedtime.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "graduates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.