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Example sentences for "goldene"

Lexicographically close words:
goitre; goitrous; gold; golde; golden; goldenen; goldenrod; goldenrods; goldfield; goldfields
  1. Another copy of this piece was printed by Zingerle, in Germania, V, 101, 'Das goldene Horn.

  2. On the way from Germany to Venice, he had found himself at the Hotel Goldene Alp at Salzburg.

  3. III When at last Swithin reached the Goldene Alp, he found his brother and friend standing uneasily at the door.

  4. Swithin suddenly; "which is my way to the Goldene Alp?

  5. Nearly three hours afterwards he left the Goldene Alp between his guests.

  6. He got her finally to write the words out in his pocket-book, gave her the sovereign, and hurried to the Goldene Alp, where there was a waiter who spoke English.

  7. VI Three weeks later he was still in Salzburg, no longer at the Goldene Alp, but in rooms over a shop near the Boleskeys'.

  8. He ravisshede apples fro the wakinge dragoun, and his hand was the more hevy for the goldene metal.

  9. In connection with Innsbruck, he is well known to the most superficial tourist as the builder of the Goldene Dachl-gebaeude.

  10. The great Hall, called the goldene Saal, and the state bedroom, which was so beautifully ornamented that it bore the title of das Paradies, were all reduced to ashes.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "goldene" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.