The child is getting better, I see it with my own eyes.
The dear child is getting better fast, there is not the least doubt of it, and why Phil should talk as he does, and in particular why he should speak as if we were paupers, is past bearing.
Mother says I am getting better, and perhaps I am, only somehow I do feel weak.
She cannot walk yet, but she is getting better gradually--at least, I think so.
All are well except myself, and I am getting better from a fresh breakdown of dyspepsia.
By dint of living on cocoa and Revalenta, and giving up drink, tobacco, and all other things that make existence pleasant, I am getting better.
For the present dismiss the matter from your thoughts and give your mind to getting better.
I must be getting better, as my disgust at science has ceased, and I have begun to potter about Roman geology and prehistoric work.
Turton, and I think is getting better--therefore I shall perhaps remain here some Months.
Tom is getting better, he hopes you may meet him at the top o' the hill.
My brother Tom is getting better, and I hope I shall see both him and Reynolds better before I retire from the world.
It wouldn't be fair, sir, for some un else to come in now the gov'nor's getting better.
Always the same--always the same: `You're getting better.
This time it was to present a definite plan of how ADC could assist ATIC in getting better data on UFO's.
The top Air Force command's refusal to buy the interplanetary theory didn't have any immediate effect upon the morale of Project Sign because the reports were getting better.
Here were people deciding that there was nothing to this UFO business right at a time when the reports seemed to be getting better.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "getting better" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.