And he looked round, blushing not a little, to the knot of gentlemen, his gaming associates, who were lounging at the tables or gathered round the fire.
No; to do poor Molly justice, gaming is not her passion: but when she is amongst them in London, little Fanny will bet her eyes out of her head.
Some were already steadily at work, and had their gaming jackets on: they kept such coats at the club, which they put on when they had a mind to sit down to a regular night's play.
The fatal propensity ofgaming is to be discovered, as well amongst the inhabitants of the frigid and torrid zones, as amongst those of the milder climates.
Only a person with an interest in the life or death of another may have insurance on this other, to prevent the mischievous kind of gamingthat has been introduced.
Unlicensed places of entertainment are deemed disorderly (like bawdy houses and gaming houses) because they increase idleness, which produces mischief and inconvenience.
Later, People who lost up to ten pounds in deceitful gaming were allowed to sue to recover this money from the winners.
The Elector of Bavaria was there at that time, and there was such Gaming at the Duchess of Berry's and the Duke of Antin's, as if they had no Sense at all of the public Calamities.
The Pleasures of the Courtiers were at best but dull, Gaming being almost their whole Amusement.
The excesses of the maddening bowl and of the gaming table had nearly done their work, when a whisper came to my conscience that I must alter my ways or be lost to all eternity.
One was a life-long Southerner, whose passion for gaming had reduced him to such extremities that he was ready for any undertaking, no matter how desperate, if it promised to yield money.
Criminals buying paradise for money, monks spending the money thus paid in gaming houses, taverns, and brothels; this seems to those who have studied their Testaments a different scheme of salvation from the one promulgated by Christ.
One who presides at a gaming table and collects the stakes.
Small cubes used in gamingor in determining by chance; also, the game played with dice.
Many of them, by reason of the scattering and dispersed condition of their parishes, lived as domestic chaplains with the wealthier planters, and partook of their illiteracy and their passion for gaming and hunting.
By these, we do not mean those despicable people who aim to snatch a profit, and who, on having to face a loss, plead the gaming act.
Dealing in futures came within the gaming act, and claims arising therefrom, were not actionable.
I understand," he continues, "information of an indictment having been found against him three years ago for gaming or keeping a gaming house has been sent to the Department.
The clergy under Innocent were wicked beyond measure, as may be gathered from the edict issued against them, prohibiting them from keeping shambles, inns, gaming houses and low resorts of the worst kind.
An organisation of the kind existed in Seville and raised funds by levying blackmail on all gaming houses and drinking shops.
Then, having engaged a room for him at the Golden Cross Hotel, at Charing Cross, he left him, with the promise that he would call for him at a late hour that night, when they would proceed together to the gaming house.
When the state of the weather does not admit of this sort of out-door lounging the time is passed in gaming or cock-fighting.
Gaming in Lima is carried on very quietly, and the most determined gamblers do not show themselves very much excited either by losses or winnings.
The white Creoles are as passionately fond of gaming as the Spaniards, and sums equal to those staked at the gaming-tables of Mexico and the Havannah are daily lost and won in Lima.
Perhaps his frivolity and his love of pleasure, including the delights of the gaming table, may have been half assumed; perhaps he was only playing one of his many parts.
No ill rule, disorder or riote by gaming or otherwise, is there permitted.
Gaming is the destruction of all decorum; the prince forgets at it his dignity, and the lady her modesty.
Gaming finds a man a cully and leaves him a knave.
I come in the next place to consider the ill consequences which gaming has on the bodies of our female adventurers.
Among these I wonder how their gaming has so long escaped your notice.
The opening of Macau's gaming industry to foreign access in 2001 spurred an increase in public works expenditures.
The cardinal, as his Majesty had said, was really furious, so furious that during eight days he absented himself from the king's gaming table.
With the four hundred livres we will make the half of one for one of the unmounted, and then we will give the turnings out of our pockets to d'Artagnan, who has a steady hand, and will go and play in the first gaming house we come to.
In fact, fortune changed; and as the king began to lose what he had won, he was not sorry to find an excuse for playing Charlemagne--if we may use a gaming phrase of whose origin we confess our ignorance.
At length when they found they were likely to be really in want, they got together, as a last effort, eight or ten pistoles, with which Porthos went to the gaming table.
The hush which rested over Rickett was never broken except in the periods immediately after the spring and fall round-ups when the saloons and gaming tables were suddenly flooded with business.
By way of preliminary training, he had set about practising upon the sailors and wharfmen who ordinarily spent their Sundays in gaming or boozing in low taverns along the water-front.
Jack Falconer may have a mind and taste above gaming as a pleasure, for aught I know.
This revelation a little dampened our esteem for the captain's elevation of intellect, but I'll take my oath of it, he was really above gaming as a way of entertaining his mind, however he resorted to it as a means of filling his purse.
At this house died, in 1524, Richard Earl of Kent, who had wasted his property in gaming and extravagance; it was then an inn, where the nobility used to put up at.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gaming" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: gambling; play; playing; speculation; sporting