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Example sentences for "gallopped"

Lexicographically close words:
gallop; galloped; galloper; gallopers; galloping; gallopping; gallops; gallow; gallowes; gallowglasses
  1. Down by the steps, out of the palace ran, Mounted his horse, to's people gallopped back.

  2. He looked so enormous as I gallopped alongside of him, that I despaired of making any impression with a pistol, and resolved to limit my ambition to the slaughter of one of the cows.

  3. We trotted or gallopped over fifty miles in the course of the day.

  4. We gallopped and trotted all the day, travelling a distance of 60 miles.

  5. Suddenly, a coach drawn by eight horses gallopped out of the palace courtyard, with two outriders carrying torches.

  6. He alighted and whistling for his horse, mounted and gallopped away.

  7. Sturt immediately jumped up, and mounting his horse gallopped off to the supposed scene of action.

  8. All due preliminaries being arranged, the country collected and placed as at a horse-race, and the ground kept free by the gamekeepers and huntsmen mounted, the combatants started, and gallopped toward each other.

  9. The whole group showed manifest signs of fear at the approach of such a hideous apparition; and, quite in earnest, though in a pretended frolic, they wheeled about again, and gallopped away.

  10. On saying so, he turned hastily about, and the friar that moment clapping the spurs to his mule, gallopped round the corner, leaving the rest to make good their quarters in the best way they could.

  11. But before her sons came back Kuwar and the princess finished their meal and paid the old woman and mounted Piyari and gallopped off.

  12. The race took place two or three days later and the monkey boy's mare easily beat all the other horses, she gallopped twelve kos on the ground and twelve kos in the air.

  13. And then let the head-piece fall again, and set spurs to his horse and gallopped away.

  14. Scarce were the words out of his mouth ere Ralph gave forth a great cry and drew his sword, set spurs to his horse, and gallopped on up the road with all his band at his back for they had drawn anigh amidst this talk.

  15. Close by her gallopped four snorting steeds, with fire spurting from their eyes and nostrils; they dragged a red-hot coach, and within it sat the wicked proprietor who had ruled here a hundred years ago.

  16. But his brothers gallopped on till the sparks flew, and consequently they arrived a full hour earlier at the town-gate than could Jack.

  17. He mounted the billy-goat, pressed his heels into its sides, and gallopped down the high street like a hurricane.

  18. And the horse gallopped on more wildly than ever; the sky turned red, the first sunbeam pierced through the clouds, and as the flood of light came streaming down, the frog changed its nature.

  19. Amadis immediately spurred his horse, and gallopped amain towards London, so confounded with the terror of this news that he never spoke word to Galaor, who followed him full speed.

  20. With that he gallopped away: at the entrance of the city he found the Squire whom Lisuarte had sent with the news of his deliverance, and learnt also the state of the city.

  21. The woodmen had carried the news of Lisuarte's imprisonment to London; immediately there was a great stir in the city: the Knights all ran to horse, and gallopped to his rescue, so that the whole plain seemed full of them.

  22. Then, giving his horse the lash, he gallopped away, little thinking the wrong he had done.

  23. He told Gandalin to follow him after the body was disposed of, and gallopped on.

  24. The level ground, however, was uncommonly favorable for the manoeuvres of our horse, which every now and then gallopped at full speed in upon the enemy, and then retired, to watch another favorable opportunity.

  25. And as soon as little Bill was safely perched up in the rear of his patron, the latter put spurs to his horse and gallopped off at full speed.

  26. They went down the left hand, or south fork of the cross-roads, and gallopped on until they reached the branch road leading west.

  27. Amgrad, guessing what the king would have of him, instantly mounted his horse again, and gallopped towards the second army.

  28. The horse gallopped on before him, and led him several miles out of his way into a wood.

  29. Still, hopeful and dauntless, the stout legionary gallopped on—"Courage!

  30. Julia, interpreting the casual words at once to signify Arvina, and giving her palfrey the rein, she gallopped to the spot, followed by Petreius shaking his head gloomily; for he was not so deceived.

  31. Once more the line was halted; once more Petreius gallopped to the van; and passed from left to right across the front, reconnoitering the dispositions of the enemy.

  32. So stood the case, when, escorted by the magnificent array of the legionary horse, Petreius gallopped through the ranks.

  33. He gallopped to Falcon's Craig, and spent a gay night with the bold Falconers.

  34. Miss Falconer herself had gallopped a couple of miles out of her way, and stopped at the Mill, with her horse in a foam, to make acquaintance with the little Donna.

  35. Jacky stood at the open door as Mr. Ferguson gallopped up, but he did notice the unusual haste with which he was hurried into the library.

  36. So saying, he pressed the snorting animal with great strength, and gallopped with him to the end of the course, that he might better leap the bar.

  37. A quarter of an hour had scarcely elapsed, when the chains of the drawbridge and the creaking of the gate were heard again, and the colonel gallopped into the court-yard, waving the signed capitulation on high as a banner of peace.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gallopped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.