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Example sentences for "freethinkers"

Lexicographically close words:
frees; freesias; freest; freestone; freethinker; freethinking; freeway; freewill; freeze; freezer
  1. With Mr. Mendum, he helped the erection of the Paine Memorial Hall, and won the esteem of all Freethinkers in America.

  2. He publicly professed Atheism, and resorted with other Freethinkers to the famous cafe Procope.

  3. This book aroused much indignation from the pious, but also much agreement among freethinkers, and led to the establishment of De Dageraad (The Daybreak,) the organ of the Dutch Freethinkers Union.

  4. American Freethinkers at the International Conference at Brussels.

  5. This re-union of Freethinkers was known as the Societe d'Auteuil.

  6. In '70 he dedicated to Mauro Macchi a book on The Task of the Nineteenth Century, and presided at a congress of Freethinkers held at Loreto.

  7. After travelling much, he established a day school in Barcelona and founded an Anti-clerical League of Freethinkers pledged to live without priests.

  8. He attended the banquet in connection with the International Congress of Freethinkers at Paris, 1889.

  9. For particulars in regard to some English Freethinkers I am indebted to Mr. Charles Bradlaugh, Mr. George Jacob Holyoake and Mr. E.

  10. He contributed to the Boston Investigator and in 1877 was elected President of the Freethinkers Association.

  11. At the time of the Ecumenical Council he called an Anti-council of Freethinkers at Naples, '69.

  12. In '66, he founded at Milan the Society of Freethinkers and the organ Il Libero Pensiero, in which he wrote A critical History of Superstition, afterwards published separately 2 vols.

  13. However, take it at the worst, we freethinkers should be better off than the believer, for bad as the believer makes his God, he surely could never be unjust enough to send me to hell for speaking what I believed to be the truth.

  14. The revisers add what Freethinkers have long maintained, and have been denounced from pulpits for maintaining, viz.

  15. They probably persecuted them much in the same fashion that the Christians have persecuted Freethinkers during the present century.

  16. Freethinkers as it should be; its special worth for our object is that Dr.

  17. The Protestant reformers and other freethinkers had stopped far short of this.

  18. In a letter to Cato he explains the necessity of devising a system that will satisfy fanatics and freethinkers alike: "So as to work on both these classes of men and unite them, we must find an explanation to the Christian religion .

  19. The Grand Orient, which definitely accepts this doctrine, has therefore logically erased the name of the Great Architect of the Universe from its ritual and has become an association of Freethinkers and Atheists.

  20. As a modern French writer has expressed it: Assuredly sectarian Freethinkers swarm, who flatter themselves on having borrowed nothing from the synagogue and on hating equally Jehovah and Jesus.

  21. If he did, this fact will afford no evidence to Freethinkers that he was a disbeliever in Christianity.

  22. Freethinkers are as free from this vice, if vice it be, as Christians.

  23. Freethinkers generally detest the dogmas of Christianity as thoroughly as Christians possibly can the principles of Freethought.

  24. George Anderson: "One of the noblest Freethinkers in the world's history.

  25. On the contrary, the curtain has but now fallen upon a scene where a Christian Church ranged herself on the side of forgers while freethinkers like Zola and Clemenceau fought the battle of truth.

  26. To what party do the Freethinkers belong?

  27. Examples are non-sectarian colleges or universities in which materialism is incidentally taught, or in which the faculty are freethinkers or bigots; (c) neutral schools in which no positive offense is given to religion or the Church.

  28. Examples: Titus chooses infidels and freethinkers for his friends and intimates, understanding their character and bad influence.

  29. And without waiting for Pierre's reply, he at once bent down to open one of the iron plates protecting the spring, mentioning that it was thus closed up in order to prevent freethinkers from throwing poison into it.

  30. A survey of the work and attitude of the leading French freethinkers of the century may serve to settle the point once for all.

  31. In France, from the first, the greater intellectual freedom in social intercourse, exemplified in the readiness of women to declare themselves freethinkers (cp.

  32. In his abstract thinking he was no less radical, and his Traité de la Liberté [671] established so well the determinist position that it was decisively held by the majority of the French freethinkers who followed.

  33. But the reverend writer's strongest resentment is aroused by the spectacle of freethinkers asking for liberty of thought.

  34. Of all the freethinkers of the period he had perhaps the largest range of practical erudition; [1126] and he drew upon it with unhasting and unresting industry.

  35. For him all freethinkers were detested disturbers of his emotional life; and of the best of them, as Collins, Shaftesbury, and Spinoza, he speaks with positive fury.

  36. Freethinkers and orthodox in each political camp.

  37. The wonder is that the freethinkers preserved so much amenity.

  38. His motive in doing so may be less a regard for truth itself than for the immediate interests of his own Church; but the main thing is that he does it, and Freethinkers may be glad even if they are not grateful.

  39. Farrar; but it invites a contemptuous smile from Freethinkers who believe that Reason ought not to suffer such a prostitution.

  40. The writings of freethinkers are widely disseminated among the working classes.

  41. The Higher Critics have the impatience of Freethinkers with such intellectual charlatanry.

  42. Freethinkers asked which came first: the owl or the egg.

  43. He says that Butler overthrew freethinkers of the eighteenth century type, but Paine was of the nineteenth century type; and it was precisely because of his critical method that he excited more animosity than his deistical predecessors.

  44. The speculative principles of the Freethinkers have done no injury to Society; the contagious principles of fanaticism and enthusiasm have only served to spread disorder on the earth.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "freethinkers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.