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Example sentences for "freesias"

Lexicographically close words:
freeness; freens; freer; freers; frees; freest; freestone; freethinker; freethinkers; freethinking
  1. Freesias and oxalis, to be had in bloom by Christmas, should be started in August.

  2. As before stated, hyacinths, tulips, narcissi and freesias are the most readily forced and the most satisfactory bulbs.

  3. Cover freesias only two inches, with a light soil.

  4. There was a bowl of freesias and scarlet anemones on the table.

  5. She bowed her face over the flowers--the freesias so sweet and spring-like, the scarlet anemones, flaunting over the table.

  6. Some grow Freesias from seed, but they are so cheap, and make offsets so freely, that it is hardly worth the trouble to do so.

  7. The scent of the freesias suddenly sickened me.

  8. She bowed her face over the flowers--the freesias so sweet and spring-like, the scarlet anemones flaunting over the table.

  9. Alessio, in odd contrast with the lemons and oranges and freesias of S.

  10. The delicate and delicious fragrance of the freesias came in through the door and floated round Mrs. Wilkins's enraptured nostrils.

  11. Then all the freesias disappeared, and the irises grew scarce.

  12. Imagine it-- having freesias to pick in armsful if you wanted to, and with glorious sunshine flooding the room, and in your summer frock, and its being only the first of April!

  13. Freesias in London were quite beyond her.

  14. The scent of freesias filled the room, delicate, piercingly sweet, yet not oppressive.

  15. To one man forever afterwards the scent of freesias recalled that afternoon; the exquisite sweetness of that lovely face; the trailing softness of her widow's gown.

  16. Bowls of roses stood about; while here and there pots of growing freesias poured their delicate fragrance around.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "freesias" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.