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Example sentences for "good citizens"

  • He was convinced that this doctrine was untrue, because he had often remarked, that foreigners made as good citizens of republics as the natives themselves.

  • I believe, sir, that the latter class consists of as useful and as good citizens as the petitioners, men equally friends to the revolution, and equally susceptible of the refined sensations of humanity and benevolence.

  • There is need of a vigilant and disinterested support of our public servants in the Philippines by good citizens here in the United States.

  • The scale of living of our artisan classes is such as tends to secure their personal comfort and the development of those higher moral and intellectual qualities that go to the making of good citizens.

  • The earnest purpose of good citizens generally to unite their efforts in this endeavor is evident.

  • Eagerly do good citizens at home (God bless them!

  • Not only have you required "good citizens," when commanded, to hunt and catch slaves, but you have even fixed a money value on every slave.

  • Sir, who in your law require "GOOD citizens" to aid in hunting and enslaving their fellow-men.

  • It was one of those days of public hope, when faction retreats into the shade, to allow the serenity of good citizens to shine forth.

  • Return, then, to the bosom of your country: come and give to the laws the support of good citizens.

  • To collect the homages of good citizens, and the insults of the bad, is, to a National Assembly, to have combined all suffrages.

  • You have been good soldiers; you can be good citizens.

  • Happily, they lived to return to their beloved Kentucky, where, as good citizens, they spent many years in peaceful pursuits.

  • The noble address of General Forrest, urging his men to become as good citizens in peace as they had been soldiers in war, was pronounced entirely appropriate and a model in sentiment and expression.

  • In the midst of intense excitement a meeting of good citizens, both white and black, was called in the court-house.

  • Therefore, so long as God maintains 'the present world,' they must be good citizens of whatever earthly state they happen to live under.

  • A certain desperado had been getting drunk and riding into stores and saloons and firing his pistols at random in the streets and threatening people’s lives, till the “good citizens” became weary.

  • Then there was an animated dispute among the above mentioned good citizens as to who had fired the fatal shot.

  • In a few moments fifteen or twenty of the aforesaid “good citizens” were chasing him over town with shotguns, rifles and pistols.

  • Sidenote: and helpful to those who would be good citizens.

  • The study of history is full of practical lessons, and helpful to those who would be good citizens.

  • The driving of good citizens out of politics.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "good citizens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    birth and; good advice; good breeding; good butter; good captain; good disposition; good engineer; good fellowe; good fight; good humor; good instance; good international; good judge; good lady; good musician; good news; good people; good reading; good reason; good sign; good soldiers; good start; good state; good subject; good wood; timber trees