But it was plain that he avoided any reference to their common secret; and even when Fettes whispered to him that he had cast in his lot with the lions and forsworn the lambs, he only signed to him smilingly to hold his peace.
The great rivalry between Louis of Orleans and John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, had beenforsworn with the most reverend solemnities.
He hath forswornthe world and all its work-- The rather that he knows it passing well, Special the worst of it, for he's a monk.
For she had forsworn colors when she fled from court-life and its many intrigues for an alliance with the charming widow; and, on the plea of a call to a religious and celibate life, had taken up her abode in the Mufti's Alley.
It is a forsworn yellow, steeped fearfully in the fugitive azure of the moonbeam.
Now for a man who has, I may say, forsworn matrimony, I take pride in my knowledge of the sex, the sweetest bit of humanity we have.
Because, for reasons of my own, I had forsworn matrimony, as I then thought, for all time.
Thus wilt thou answer, and forsworn Wilt draw on thee the princes’ scorn.
But thou dost swear only to be forsworn; And most forsworn to keep what thou dost swear.
Paragot, having for some absurd reason forsworn his porcelain pipe, smoked the cigarette of semi-contentment and fulfilled his happiness by the contemplation of Joanna and myself.
Would all the world but he had quite forsworn For me, that I may surely keepe mine oath.
I shall beforsworn (which is a great argument of falshood) if I loue.
But I haven't forsworn every thing of the kind, Kit.
What had they meant in Larry Kildene's life, he who had lived for twenty years the life of a hermit, and had forswornwomen forever, as he said?
Nay, hold me of life forsworn If he be not of kings the kinsman!
Up to this moment, during every interview with Rachel, Kenkenes had forsworn some little prejudice, or sacrificed some of his blithe self-esteem.
Slowly and relentlessly it came home to her that this was one of the abominable idolaters, and she had forsworn such for ever.
But Henry the Fifth had forsworn merriment and Falstaff together, and taken up with invasion and Smithfield bonfires in their stead.
They had done homage to him and sworn oaths, but had held no faith; they were all forsworn and brake their fealty; for every mighty man built his castles and held them against him; and they filled the land full of castles.
The bishops and clergy cursed them ever, but nothing came thereof, for they were all accursed and forsworn and lost.
I have forsworn his company hourly any time this two-and-twenty years, and yet I am bewitched with the rogue's company.
Nay, I have ta'en you napping, gentle love, And have forsworn you with Hortensio.
As Cameron publicly posted a declaration that the King was a forsworn tyrant, no mercy was shown to his unhappy followers after he was slain in battle.
It being now impossible to bear the country, as a wilderness of cruelty, or longer to hold any terms with such a forsworn outlaw of a King, the Barons sent to Louis, son of the French monarch, to offer him the English crown.
Gaspar is a forsworn caitiff--a caitiff, senores, a caitiff!
He goes on to say that he has quite forsworn politics, over which he and his correspondent used sometimes to dispute, and has satisfied himself "that the age of Toryism is by forever.
Devise anecdotes about the weather, and try to be reasonable once more, for you have suddenly forsworn the art.