Our Eighteenth Report is open to another objection, either of gross ignorance or most uncandid withholding of information.
And yet this document, seamed and botched with error and uncandid statement, injuriously affecting the Pennsylvania System, was sent by our Society, as I have been credibly informed, to every member of the Legislature of that State.
I am unwilling to adopt this language; but I cannot forbear terming the Report uncandid and unjust.
Challis was just a shade uncandid in this, because he believed he knew the worst of the indictment.
To please an unqualified judge, an author must sacrifice too much; and the attempt to please an uncandid one were altogether hopeless.
Distrust naturally creates distrust, and by nothing is good-will and kind conduct more speedily changed than by invidious jealousies and uncandid imputations, whether expressed or implied.
But it may not be uncandid to ascribe this rather to a leaning towards the insurgents than a constitutional principle.
It does not, however, follow that, because the Unitarian interpretation of the New Testament bears this character, all Unitarians are defective Scholars, or uncandid or dishonest Critics.
The Unitarian Interpretation of the New Testament based upon defective Scholarship, or on dishonest or uncandid Criticism.
Mr. Byrth’s Lecture entitled “The Unitarian Interpretation of the New Testament based upon defective Scholarship, or on dishonest or uncandid Criticism.
I have now gone through all the evidence adduced on Wednesday evening, in support of the allegation, “The Unitarian interpretation of the New Testament based upon defective Scholarship, or on dishonest or uncandid Criticism.
Notwithstanding he admits their right to this power by implication, he says that I am unfair and uncandid in my deduction, that they can emancipate our slaves, though the word emancipation be not mentioned in it.
Notwithstanding he admits their right to this power by implication, he says that I am unfair and uncandid in my deduction, that they can emancipate our slaves, though the word emancipation is not mentioned in it.
We are, I hope, all too busy to need any answer to such childish, uncandid reasoning as this.
The uncandid excuse for all this is, that the greater part of these men were put to death for political, not for religious, crimes.
Where they are imperfect, it is commonly from the study of brevity, and rather from the desire of compressing the substance of his notes into pointed and emphatic sentences, than from dishonesty, or uncandid suppression of truth.
Footnote 83: These, in the opinion of the editor, are the most uncandid paragraphs in Gibbon's History.
The disposition of the two former to slight the argument from final causes, though it might justly be animadverted upon, could not warrant this most uncandid and untrue aspersion.
It is the fault of such books to be one-sided; they are not unfrequently right in censuring blemishes, but very uncandid in suppressing beauties.
Nothing could be moreuncandid than this statement.
It is the fate of every party to attract some followers of this type, and it would be as unfair to judge it by them, as it would be uncandid not to recognise the higher qualities of those who have given it weight and importance.
I could soon make you sick of youruncandid industry against the Catholics, and bring you to allow that it is better to forget times past, and to judge and be judged by present opinions and present practice.
Not that I am perverse and obstinate with an uncandid pertinacity, but that (though I may be mistaken) I think I hold and defend the truth, or what is most like the truth.
The Americans in the islands, Mr. Taft's agents in the Philippines, talk no uncandid and misleading stuff about the Philippines being exclusively for the Filipinos.
A more detailed, and apparently a not uncandid statement of Calvin’s character as a commentator on Scripture, will be found in Simon, Hist.
We know that none but prejudiced and uncandid persons, who have hastily considered the subject, and are ignorant of the real situation of the Southern States, throw out these insinuations.