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Example sentences for "forgetfull"

Lexicographically close words:
forgery; forges; forget; forgete; forgetful; forgetfulness; forgets; forgett; forgettest; forgetteth
  1. What though we send unto the foes our corne To fatten them, and cloth to keepe them warme, Lets not be so forgetfull of our selves As to provide them with knives to cut our throates: So I should arme a thiefe to take my purse.

  2. My gracious Lord, I hope your Excellence Will not be so forgetfull of your honour, Prove so unnaturall to your loving daughter As to bereave her of her life Because she hath wedded basely gainst your will.

  3. I hope the brat is posted to his sire, That he is growne so lazie of his pace; Forgetfull of his dutie, and his tongue Is even fast tyde with strings of heavinesse.

  4. Would any modern have either the courage or the imagination to attempt to cure "the forgetfull evill"?

  5. Onions eaten in meat largely make the head ake, they make them forgetfull whiche in the tyme of syknes use them out of mesure.

  6. Of wine made of it, he says: "If they drynk thys drynke they shall fele no payne, but they shall fall into a forgetfull and slepishe drowsiness.

  7. Of cow parsnip he tells us: "If a phrenticke or melancholicke man's head bee anointed with oile wherein the leaves and roots have been sodden, it helpeth him very much, and such as bee troubled with the sickness called the forgetfull evill.

  8. When those renoumed noble peres of Greece Through stubborn pride among themselves did iar, Forgetfull of the famous golden fleece, Then Orpheus with his harp theyr strife did bar.

  9. Neither was Harold forgetfull in that point on his part.

  10. Camillus forgetfull of the iniurie done to him, and mindfull of his dutie towards his countrie, and lamenting the state thereof, without delay gathered such an armie as the present time permitted.

  11. But shall it be, that you that set the Crowne Vpon the head of this forgetfull man, And for his sake, wore the detested blot Of murtherous subornation?

  12. The Queene is comfortlesse, and wee forgetfull In our long absence: pray doe not deliuer, What heere y'haue heard to her Old L.

  13. Haue not you loue enough to beare with me, When that rash humour which my Mother gaue me Makes me forgetfull Bru.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forgetfull" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.