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Example sentences for "foreign prince"

  • It had been powerful in numbers, but had done nothing to withstand a foreign prince at the head of foreign troops marching through the country, and placing himself on the throne.

  • Personal union was thus achieved, though the election of a foreign prince had, for the time being, to be abandoned.

  • Still Prince Kusa was required to pledge his word to abdicate should an opportunity arrive for the closer union of the two countries under the rule of a foreign prince.

  • Shall those who are temporally and spiritually subject to a foreign prince be our legislators, post-masters, foreign ministers, and military leaders, and change our laws as they are directed by the Pope of Rome?

  • The people were smarting under the long humiliation of the delay, and ill-endured to see the interests of England submitted, as they virtually were, to the arbitration of a foreign prince.

  • In all other respects she occupied the position and received the homage due to the actual wife of the English sovereign; and in this capacity it was the desire of Henry that she should be acknowledged by a foreign prince.

  • How often he had said that a man must let fruit ripen before plucking it: and a foreign prince, to whose sayings he attached great value, had advised him to proceed by the safest path.

  • So little were the feelings of nationality yet developed, that the barons fought out the war against their King, supported by the presence and military Power of a foreign prince.

  • He assured her that he would behave not as a foreign prince, but as if he were her son and a citizen of her realm.

  • When a foreign prince is present the host should accompany him to the hall door.

  • On the other hand, a princess of the blood royal takes precedence of a foreign prince--her husband--and leads the way with the host.

  • It is optional whether the hostess follows with the gentleman of highest rank present, unless a foreign prince is present, when she should follow the host, and in the case of a royal prince being present she should precede the host.

  • They formed part of a correspondence between the Queen and some Foreign Prince, carried on through a reverend father spoken of as E.

  • Rumours were flying that the Emperor was coming to waste England, destroy the Royal family, and place a foreign Prince on the throne.

  • But Pembroke again spoke, pointed out the degradation of a foreign prince being in possession of the kingdom, and asked them earnestly to crown the rightful heir and drive out the foreigner and his myrmidons.

  • If, on the other hand, she married, her husband must be either a subject or a foreign prince.

  • Far more offensive was it to national prejudice, that England's king should be cited to appear before a court in a distant land, dominated by the arms of a foreign prince.

  • I say again, if these things are intolerable, what shall we think of such men, as shall join to all this compliance with a foreign prince to rob the church of God?

  • If these things are intolerable, what shall we think of such men as shall join to all this compliance with a foreign prince, to rob the church of God?

  • Enlisting under a foreign prince to destroy their own nation, and in so doing to destroy themselves.

  • Prince without dominions, without Courts, without a country; and to a foreign Prince, in regard to English property and English subjects.

  • It was polite to avoid the second person in addressing a foreign prince, who was consequently often styled "your government" by foreign envoys particularly anxious not to offend.

  • The duke must be perfectly well aware that a king of England could not, without the assent of the people, accept a foreign prince as his liege lord.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foreign prince" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    distinction from; either good; foreign affairs; foreign birth; foreign body; foreign born; foreign coin; foreign devil; foreign goods; foreign government; foreign invasion; foreign land; foreign merchants; foreign mission; foreign nation; foreign nations; foreign port; foreign ports; foreign powers; foreign princes; foreign relations; foreign soil; foreign stamps; foreign tongue; glass houses; room telegraph