It had been powerful in numbers, but had done nothing to withstand a foreign prince at the head of foreign troops marching through the country, and placing himself on the throne.
Personal union was thus achieved, though the election of a foreign prince had, for the time being, to be abandoned.
Still Prince Kusa was required to pledge his word to abdicate should an opportunity arrive for the closer union of the two countries under the rule of a foreign prince.
Shall those who are temporally and spiritually subject to a foreign prince be our legislators, post-masters, foreign ministers, and military leaders, and change our laws as they are directed by the Pope of Rome?
The people were smarting under the long humiliation of the delay, and ill-endured to see the interests of England submitted, as they virtually were, to the arbitration of a foreign prince.
In all other respects she occupied the position and received the homage due to the actual wife of the English sovereign; and in this capacity it was the desire of Henry that she should be acknowledged by a foreign prince.
How often he had said that a man must let fruit ripen before plucking it: and a foreign prince, to whose sayings he attached great value, had advised him to proceed by the safest path.
So little were the feelings of nationality yet developed, that the barons fought out the war against their King, supported by the presence and military Power of a foreign prince.
He assured her that he would behave not as a foreign prince, but as if he were her son and a citizen of her realm.
When a foreign prince is present the host should accompany him to the hall door.
On the other hand, a princess of the blood royal takes precedence of a foreign prince--her husband--and leads the way with the host.
It is optional whether the hostess follows with the gentleman of highest rank present, unless a foreign prince is present, when she should follow the host, and in the case of a royal prince being present she should precede the host.
They formed part of a correspondence between the Queen and some Foreign Prince, carried on through a reverend father spoken of as E.
Rumours were flying that the Emperor was coming to waste England, destroy the Royal family, and place a foreign Prince on the throne.
But Pembroke again spoke, pointed out the degradation of a foreign prince being in possession of the kingdom, and asked them earnestly to crown the rightful heir and drive out the foreigner and his myrmidons.
If, on the other hand, she married, her husband must be either a subject or a foreign prince.
Far more offensive was it to national prejudice, that England's king should be cited to appear before a court in a distant land, dominated by the arms of a foreign prince.
I say again, if these things are intolerable, what shall we think of such men, as shall join to all this compliance with a foreign prince to rob the church of God?
If these things are intolerable, what shall we think of such men as shall join to all this compliance with a foreign prince, to rob the church of God?
Enlisting under a foreign princeto destroy their own nation, and in so doing to destroy themselves.
Prince without dominions, without Courts, without a country; and to a foreign Prince, in regard to English property and English subjects.
It was polite to avoid the second person in addressing a foreign prince, who was consequently often styled "your government" by foreign envoys particularly anxious not to offend.
The duke must be perfectly well aware that a king of England could not, without the assent of the people, accept a foreign prince as his liege lord.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foreign prince" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.